Children on bicycles, healthier and happier children

Bicycles are not just for summer, so let's try not to save them now that the holidays are over. Luckily, we have a fairly generous climate that allows in fact that pedaling in spring and autumn is very pleasant, without having to face the most extreme temperatures.

And this interests us especially for our children, since children who ride bicycles are healthier children. In addition, if we pedal together all the members of the family will not only be healthier but also be happier. And the bike is for all audiences. We tell you the advantages of getting on the bike.

Avoiding obesity and sedentary lifestyle is crucial for the health of our children and the practice of a physical exercise such as cycling can help us combat these epidemics of the 21st century. It is proven that children who ride bicycles get the following benefits:

  • Pedaling improves the general physical condition of people, especially with regard to the respiratory tract and the cardiocirculatory system.

  • Obesity risk is reduced with the practice of physical activity.

  • It enhances the muscle tone of children, especially the legs.

  • Also the position of the back improves because the muscles of the lumbar area of ​​the spine are strengthened.

  • Cycling favors a greater resistance to mild diseases such as colds since, like almost all physical activities, this exercise favors the strengthening of the body's defense system.

  • By cycling we can contribute to the road education of our children.

  • Bike tours stimulate the senses and enhance love and respect for nature.

  • It also decreases the risk of psychic suffering, since the release of endorphins in the brain helps to reinforce good mood, self-esteem, confidence ...

  • Cycling reduces stress, helps you relax since you don't need intense concentration.

Pedaling is a healthy habit that brings many benefits to children, so you have to be encouraged to have the bike ready and, of course, circulate with all the necessary safety measures, starting with the helmet and taking all precautions to avoid accidents.

Video: Healthy Kids, Happy Kids (July 2024).