Baby Einstein doesn't teach your baby

I do not think that by putting a baby in front of the TV to watch "educational" videos makes children more intelligent. That entertains them, yes, but from there to increase the IQ, long way.

I have already told you that it seems more like a very well directed marketing action, who does not want your child to be smart?

According to pediatrician Dimitri Christakis, buying this type of videos is throwing money.

The professor at the University of Washington in Seattle (United States) conducted a study according to which for every hour of the day that babies between 8 and 16 months watched videos in the style of Baby Einstein or Brainy Baby, they learned between six and eight new words less than children who did not see them.

He notes that videos teach many images but few words, which limits the learning of new vocabulary in babies.

In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics is against television for babies, recommends not a minute of television for children under 2 years.

Instead, Dr. Christakis suggests telling them stories or reading stories, which does help children learn new words, and develop their imagination.

What do you think is better? Do you think babies learn from these videos or that they simply fulfill an entertainment function?