Weaning (IV): how to do it

Breastfeeding, as it is often said, is food, it is comfort, it is love, it is skin-to-skin contact, it is…

Weaning induced by the mother means for a baby to lose in some way what breastfeeding entails, which as you see is a lot.

It is because of that The recommendation to carry out weaning is that there is no deadline but that the process is slow and progressive so that both mom and baby adapt best to the new situation.

Do not offer, do not deny, replace

To start the process of weaning the mother should avoid offering the breast to her son and gradually replacing shots with other foods (several weeks if possible).

We have already commented that the breast is many things besides food, so as when removing the breast we are taking the child away from all those other things we should look for alternative strategies to give comfort, affection, contact, etc. and not feel rejected.

We also say that the process should be slow since if an abrupt weaning occurs the mother may have discomfort in the breasts derived from the non-extraction of milk such as engorgements, obstructions or even mastitis.

To space the shots it is advisable replace the moment you used to do them for other attractive moments for him.

If for example the child used to breastfeed after the bath we can offer him some game, story or song (whatever he likes to do) to divert attention and feed him other things. An alternative is for someone to replace the mother at times when the child usually asks.

Games, alternative activities, love and hugs should be given while the child is calm or entertaining. If we wait for him to get bored and ask for attention, he will ask for a yes or yes chest, which is what he usually asks for in those moments.

At the moment the child asks for a tit, it should never be denied. In other words, replacing does not mean that when we ask for the breast we will sit down and play with it, but to anticipate it and distract it to avoid asking.

If the breast is denied, the child realizes that something is happening, that Mom does not want to give it to him for A or B and what he will try, precisely, is to prevent this from happening because he does not want his mother to “stop loving him. "

The way of acting during the process should always be flexibleThat is why, although one of the guidelines is “not to offer”, if the mother considers that the child is going through a specific emotionally complicated moment, she can offer her breast as comfort.

If the child is older, the mother can establish dialogue about it and negotiate with the child so that weaning is a matter of two.


I have been commenting on the entries related to weaning. When a mother makes an informed decision, free and without external pressures, the attitude of the environment must be supportive and helpful, whether it be weaned at three months, at six, at two years or at seven.

Respect is basic, because external pressures and value judgments make mothers who want to wean their children early to be forced against their will to continue breastfeeding and mothers who want to breastfeed their children until they stop breastfeeding for own initiative decide to wean to avoid negative comments or breastfeed in a "clandestine" way.

A phrase that I love, related to respect and key to establishing healthy interpersonal relationships is: "I respect your decision, even if I don't share it."

Video: Weaning Babies IV - The showdown between Baty & Dolly (July 2024).