Yogurt ice cream for children

During the summer, the popsicles and ice creams are a passion for children, we can prepare with our children a great variety of very nutritious poles, at least much more than those that can be bought in various establishments.

If you want to make a polo shirt for your little one with which you fully enjoy the flavor and freshness it provides, nothing better than making yogurt ice cream. As we know, yogurt is a functional and ideal food for children, as it provides great nutritional value and perfect regulation of intestinal flora.

To make the yogurt poles, you will need 2 strawberry yogurts, 2 bananas, a little sugar, 75 grams of strawberries, 1 banana, 1 apple and a lemon. You must empty each yogurt in a different container, preferably a bowl and add a little sugar to each one, stirring well so that it is dissolved. Now prepare the fruits, wash the strawberries well and remove the petiole, then put the strawberries in the blender and crush fine. Peel the banana and apple, remove the heart of the latter and put in the blender both fruits, also crush fine adding a few drops of lemon juice so that the preparation does not rust.

Now you just have to introduce the crushed fruits in the respective flavors of yogurt, strawberry yogurt with crushed strawberries and banana yogurts with the other fruit preparation. You can also mix flavors, but that will go to each child's taste.

Fill the appropriate molds to make the ice cream and put them in the freezer for a few hours, until they solidify. We will get some delicious poles with which your child will enjoy a rich and very nutritious treat (and so do we).

Video: Cooking with Kids: How to Make Yogurt Cinnamon Honey Ice Cream for Children - Weelicious (July 2024).