Sweetfit, exercise programs designed for motherhood

Sweetfit is a sports program oriented exclusively to develop activities designed for women in their maternity and to pretend to offer the right exercise to take care and maintain the body actively during pregnancy and when the baby is born.

Childbirth preparation courses usually devote little or no time to physical preparation in pregnancy and then, when the child is born, we cannot separate from it but it is really necessary to gradually exercise to avoid back pain and urinary incontinence , which are two of the problems that moms suffer most and that adequate muscle toning relieves.

All the programs of Sweetfit They are developed by a team of highly qualified professionals (physiotherapists, midwives, osteopaths, gynecologists) and also offers training courses for specialists.

Sweetfit He now offers his courses in Terassa and Cornellá but they plan to start in other cities.

The first program they have launched is Mums & kids, which can be practiced after 40 days of giving birth and whose objective is the progressive recovery of the pelvic floor and postural rebalancing and best of all: they are designed to be able to practice them with The company of babies.

Moms who participate in the physical activities of the Sweetfit program Their benefits are the possibility of feeling better, strengthening the emotional bond with their babies, being stronger to continue breastfeeding on demand, and also expanding their circles of friendship with other mothers.