Psychomotor skills: games to improve them from 2 years

Our little ones need to discover the world around them and for this the game becomes essential. Through the game they manage to improve fine and thick motor skills from very early. Little by little they realize their place in the world and their autonomy leads them to learn and know each other.

Here we tell you what are the most important changes they experience after 2 years and how we can help them improve psychomotor skills through play.

Changes in psychomotor skills

From 2 years our babies have more balance and proof of this is that they can go down and up stairs without problems. In addition they already jump with their feet together and can even kick a ball.

Regarding their abilities, we must bear in mind that there are two types of motor skills, the fine and the gross.

Fine motor skills It is related to precise movements, coordinated by the vision and manipulation of objects. For example, when our baby takes a piece of a toy with the index finger and the thumb doing the tweezers, paints with a brush, plays with plastelina or hooks stickers on a paper, this field is working.

With 2 years the motor skills are perfected and the baby is more independent

Gross motor It is one that helps the baby move his body harmoniously by coordinating his movements with balance, agility and strength. With 2 years you can run faster, climb, turn, take objects without problems ...

At this stage we begin to see that our baby acquires more autonomy and begins to want to do everything alone. Some parents talk about "the terrible 2" because more than once it's time to run after the baby. But it is also a very nice moment in which they learn, are more independent and perform more activities without help.

Five games to improve psychomotor skills

Simple games to work on gross motor skills are crawling, rolling on the ground or jumping into drawn circles. Everything that involves action-reaction goes very well, because our little ones will always be willing to participate.

These are some of the games that will help your little one in their development:

1. Build towers

Building towers with pieces of wood is great for coordinate sight and hand movements. In the same way that we can build vertical towers we can also make long lines with objects. You will develop your ability to place parts and in turn, begin to calculate distances between objects.

2. Game of passing the ball

A very simple game to work this stage is to sit with your son, one on each side and pass the ball from one side to another. With that we will make our baby see it, grab it and release it by rolling it to our side. We can try different sized balls to fine tune your movements.

3. Driving a remote control car

Remote control toys serve to learn to guide movements and measure distances

With remote control toys, such as the Fiat 500 RC remote control car from Chicco, coordination and action-reaction work is carried out. It is a very robust car but at the same time simple, based on left and right movements, so that the little ones can take it.

Its intuitive control turns with your baby as if it were a real flyer. In addition, it has a central button that reproduces the horn sound. With him, the little one entertains and learns to orient his movements and measure distances.

4. Hold a balloon in the air

It's about playing with a balloon in the air and going from side to side without touching the ground. In this way we also work coordination. We can add more colored balloons to the game according to the progress of our little one and even put quiet music to concentrate.

5. Dance to the rhythm of the music

Through music we can do a lot of activities that greatly stimulate gross motor skills. Synchronizing hands and feet, with varied music to dance according to the rhythm of each moment. So the kids will move in one way or another depending on the speed of the song. We can also take the opportunity to do small choreographies moving the whole body, to learn each part.

Help our children to developing motor skills is very easy, it is only necessary to play with them as long as possible, giving them our full attention and getting involved in their activities. The rest they put with their desire to learn and have fun.

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Video: Exercises that improve your child's coordination (July 2024).