Discomfort in pregnancy: cramps

Cramps are one of the most frequent discomforts in pregnancy. Half of pregnant women suffer at some point during pregnancy, especially during the second and third trimesters, and although they do not affect the baby or the mother, they are quite annoying.

They are involuntary and painful muscular contractions that appear with greater intensity in the legs and usually “attack” at night, precisely when the body rests.

The pain caused by muscle tension can become quite intense interrupting the dream of the future mother, who just towards the end of pregnancy is difficult to reconcile.

The cause of cramping during pregnancy is due to various factors. As in almost all the discomforts of pregnancy, the culprits are hormones and in this case they are not the exception. The hormones soften the walls of the blood vessels and impair the venous and lymphatic return, causing a stagnation of fluid in the legs that causes the annoying cramps.

Another factor is the changes in blood circulation during pregnancy caused by the pressure that the weight of the baby exerts on the vessels of the pelvis affecting the circulation of the legs. Remember that in pregnancy 20% more blood circulates through the mother's body.

The explanation as to why the cramps usually lurk at night is that when lying down the venous return is slower and favors the appearance of muscle contractions, especially in the calves and feet.

How to prevent them?

Food is essential to reduce cramping. Eat foods rich in calcium (dairy and milk), as well as those containing vitamin E such as wheat germ, nuts and whole grains.

There are doctors who recommend drinking a glass of milk before bedtime, although that could bring heartburn, another very typical discomfort during pregnancy. It can also help the consumption of bananas and kiwifruit with high potassium content, and green leafy vegetables, rich in magnesium. Both minerals help prevent them.

In combination with a balanced diet, exercise is the best ally of the pregnant woman. Keeping the body in shape helps prevent the most common discomfort. Taking a walk, doing gentle gymnastics like yoga or pilates for pregnant women or water gymnastics favors blood circulation by preventing liquids from clogging up.

Do not spend much time standing or sitting cross-legged.

Leg massage before bedtime is an effective remedy, so the future dad can also help prevent cramps. Smooth stretching exercises at night are effective to relax the muscles of the legs after all day fatigue.

How to relieve them?

If you wake up with a very strong cramp, massage the area and stretch the calf muscle by bringing the tip of the foot towards the leg. If the cramp is in the foot, stretch the big toe in the direction of the body. It hurts at first, but then relaxes.

Once the pain has passed, walk a little around the bed so that it does not happen again.

If you notice that the squids are very frequent or very painful, consult your doctor as it may be a somewhat more serious disorder such as venous thrombosis.

Video: Normal Cramping vs. Abnormal Cramping During Pregnancy with Midwife Richelle Jolley (July 2024).