Why millions of mothers pray every night for their children to eat like this girl

One of the things that most concern mothers is the issue of feeding their children. That they eat, that they are well nourished, that Eat well and grow healthy, eat enough to grow and gain weight (not too much), eat what you put on the plate and say that "How good is this, mom!".

They feel completely responsible for feeding their children and they feel guilty if they eat little or very little, thinking that they are doing something wrong, and they end up going to the pediatrician to tell him that "my son does not eat anything" in search of an instant solution or some vitamins that make the child see the food and shine his eyes.

But that solution does not exist and the reality is that many children are like that, eat little, and are normal and healthy. Still, they would prefer that they eat more, for their peace of mind. Therefore, every night, millions of mothers pray for their children to eat like this girl, which has been amazing for weeks.

His name is Xiao Man and he's almost two years old

Maybe you know her having seen her eating on a Facebook or YouTube video. He probably has more skills, but He has become famous for his way of eating. With less than two years, he is able to eat what many adults today are served on the plate. And you also notice that he enjoys, and much.

Is called Xiao Man and in his videos we can see her eating with the spoon, then using her hand in case more food enters, returning to the spoon and even complaining when something concrete ends and wants more.

If even with his mouth full of food he is able to take the casserole from which he is eating to drink the broth ... A real pass as a child that would increase the self-esteem of any chef.

Xiao Man already has his own YouTube channel, and fans multiply at times because it is amazing to watch her eat. Also, the fact that we can see her spoon in hand in fast motion It makes your lunch and dinner even more spectacular.

What if I want my child to eat like this girl?

Well, in addition to praying, and praying a lot (which I don't think is a method that works too much), you can try following the latest recommendations in this regard. Obviously, it is very difficult to get a child to eat as much as she does, which seems to have no background, but it is not so difficult to get a baby to have the ability to take the spoon and eat with it, drink from the glass and eat with the hands too , so that you enjoy what you are eating.

Yes, that's right ... if you were thinking what I would say "Baby Led Weaning" You are right. Seven years ago we talked about this method to feed babies and what seemed an extravagance at that time has been imposed as the most logical method to feed a baby.

It consists of leaving soft and elongated or medium-sized food at your disposal so that the baby can take it with his hands and take it to his mouth taking advantage of his innate curiosity and need to take things with his hands and try them.

A couple of years ago, the Spanish Association of Pediatrics talked about this method, recommending it above the crushed ones of the last decades. A few months ago, other nutrition experts wrote some guides explaining that It is better for babies to eat semi-solid food, soft, if possible so that they would take it with their hands, or as much crushed with a fork or similar, so that babies have to chew it a little with the gums and not just swallow it.

The reason is that, although at first it seems that it costs more to eat, because they don't know very well how to do it, sometimes they choke or even spit more than they eat, as the days and weeks go by they eat more, accepting more flavors and textures and being increasingly autonomous.

In this way they consolidate the gesture of taking the food with their hands and bringing it to their mouths, which is the precursor of then taking the silverware and bringing the food to their mouths with them. In addition, they eat our food before, chew more and better and tend to accept more flavors because they always have the freedom to eat or not eat what they take by hand and try (nobody presses them to eat the fruit or vegetables and they don't feel the need to refuse the spoon because they smell that they are going to force them). Come on, babies tend to have fewer hobbies with food eating like this.

If you are not on time because you have been with the crushed for a long time and now you are just curious about the food you can try one thing: turn children into food thieves, get stolen; It is not a magical or infallible method, but it is a beginning so that they can finally fend for themselves and begin to be able to satisfy a basic need for themselves: eating.

Video: Dad Says Its Prayer Time And The Baby Girl Joins Right In (July 2024).