Each day that premature delivery is delayed, the risk of death of the baby decreases by 3%

It is amazing how valuable it is for a baby to remain inside his mother's womb.

This was ratified by a group of specialists at the symposium "From conception to birth: challenges in treatment", at the IX World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility.

They pointed out that for each day the birth of a premature child is delayed, perinatal mortality can be reduced by 3%.

They gave an example arguing that if a baby born at 23 weeks has a 95% life risk, at week 30 that risk decreases to 5%.

In Spain the situation is quite worrying, as the rate of premature births currently doubles that of other European countries.

While it is true that there have been miracles of births without sequelae of very few weeks, it is always advisable to keep an adequate control of pregnancy and be very attentive to the signs that can trigger a preterm birth.

Hence the importance of health care during pregnancy and changing the lifestyle during pregnancy to provide the baby with greater well-being.

Mothers must do everything necessary to give our baby the security of the best habitat where they can be until they are ready to be born: mom's belly.

Video: What is the Ideal White Blood Cell Count? (July 2024).