The week in Babies and more: from June 18 to 24

Like every Monday today we give you a weekly summary of the week that has just ended in Babies and more.

We continue with ideas for the upcoming holidays, and our partner Dolores has told us about the option of cruises for the whole family and I told them about a fun holiday at home. For those who live in Madrid and are going to spend time in the city on these vacations there is Madrid for children: good leisure proposals for children. A place to visit on this vacation, for those who live or visit Catalonia is the Toy Museum. And these days that a trip to the beach is so conducive, we must not forget that children under three must wear sunglasses. We also talk about holiday books and vacation books with Disney.

With regard to infant feeding last week we commented some news, such as baby porridge is not so good according to a nutrition expert, or that babies have a preference for certain foods even before birth. We also learned about the existence of the manual book on infant feeding and the Abuela Project, to improve the health and nutrition of children. And as a curiosity we learned that in Japan it is possible to get breast milk in tetrabrik.

To reduce the stress of mom and baby Elda told us about the existence of the Yoga Baby program in some centers in the United States, and about a baby massage technique called "pizza".

Other interesting studies that we mentioned last week are that snoring in children could be related to allergies, which apparently a premature birth favors postpartum depression, that a bad relationship between siblings during childhood increases the risk of suffering from depression in state adult and that weeping babies affect the relationship.

For mothers with babies in the stage of separation distress, Elda tells us how it is impossible for her son to calm down in dad's arms. And Dolores on the other hand tells us that her little daughter has acute mastitis. But not only about his youngest daughter, Dolores told us, since she proudly told us that her two-year-old girl has received her first graduation diploma.

In addition Velsid told us about hippotherapy, horse therapy and showed us the video of a cesarean delivery.

And finally, last week I talked about some original ideas for children's party invitations, for those who plan to celebrate soon the birthday of one of their children.

Video: Sagittarius Weekly Tarot Forecast June 18th-24th (July 2024).