Traveling with babies: by plane

One of the most commonly used means of transportation to travel today is the plane. The multiple route and fare options allow us to reach almost anywhere in a more or less accessible way in a short time.

Travel conditions have also changed with the times. There are many reasons that have established very specific rules for current air transport.

The security It is one of them and we must consider the controls and shipping requirements as a means of protection for all against possible dangerous situations. They are annoying, yes. They take time, yes. But it is necessary to travel with the widest possible security framework.

To comfortably pass the airport security controls we must respect the presentation time that the airline informs us when making the reservation. On domestic flights, shipments are usually closed 45 minutes before the flight departs. We know that when we move with a baby, any procedure takes longer. Let us consider this to arrive well in advance to the air terminal.

On long-haul flights, time may be extended depending on the route and the company. So we must consider this time to organize the waiting timeout at the airport. Will we need to feed the baby? Will it be time for a nap? We will have to change diapers, surely. Let's organize the "extras" so you don't have to carry them. We carry in a simple bag one (or two) disposable diapers and what we will consume before pre-boarding.

An emergency? Remember that after passing the security checks, we will have bathrooms, food places and shops in the boarding sector, before boarding the plane. What we buy there (water, for example), should no longer go through new controls.

To avoid headaches and have to disarm hand luggage in the security check, I recommend that you keep in mind the current safety regulations for European airports.

For example: within the objects that can NOT be carried in carry-on luggage, toy guns are included. It will seem silly, but for simple entertainment for our little policeman, we can miss the flight.

We have become accustomed to flying with a bag in our hand where we show all our most personal products. Very important to consider is the issue of liquids.

In the regulations for the transport of liquids it is established that in said sachet will be the drinks, soups and food of our baby.

With regard to general considerations for traveling by plane with children, let us know that the airlines consider “baby” (infoa, in the aeronautical language = accompanied infant) to every person under 2 years old. These "mini-passengers" they have no right to seat but they pay travel insurance and carry their own boarding pass. The baby will always be in an adult's skirt and there are special seat belts for it.

From 2 years and up to 12 unfulfilled, our son is a “minor” (child) and already have the right to own seat. Pay a differential fare depending on the route, carry your own baggage allowance to ship in the hold and your boarding pass.

From 2 years old, a child can travel alone. It is considered a UM (unaccompanied minor) and airlines have very strict protocols for transporting them. A responsible adult must make the shipment with the minor stating the personal data of the adult who will receive it at the destination and that, of course, must be credited to withdraw it.

From there the child is identified and under the attention of special company personnel. During the flight, the UMs sit in the first seats one step away from the place of the attendants on board.

In cases of force majeure, it may be the case that a young child must travel in these conditions. Parents in this situation must pay the cost of the ticket for company personnel to take care of the child and take him personally.

Throughout my travel agent career, I have not had many cases like this, of course. But parents who must face such an issue, know that the airlines provide this service that will leave them more calm.

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