Alcohol consumption increases among adolescents, with a tendency to generalize the "binge" of alcoholic beverages

Yesterday, the data obtained through the School Survey on drug use in Secondary School students (STUDIES), applied during the 2012/13 period; and warned about that Alcohol consumption among schoolchildren between 14 and 18 has increased in the last two years, although the age of onset of alcoholic beverages has increased slightly (13.9 years).

The survey includes a sample of 27,500 students, from 750 public and private vocational institutes or centers throughout Spain. This study is done every two years, revealing the trends of drug use among Spanish schoolchildren.

Students between 14 and 18 perceive alcohol as the least dangerous substance and consider that tobacco is more dangerous than cannabis. These are perceptions that have no truthfulness, and creep into young people in surprising ways
They tell us from the National Plan on Drugs (entity dependent on the Government of Spain) something that we have already seen in the news: the phenomenon of the "bottle" among children has taken root, and the practice of binge drinking is widespread. On the other hand it gives me the feeling that - despite all the efforts through institutional campaigns and presence in the Secondary Institutes - society does not seem to have a real interest in minimizing the risks associated with the consumption of alcohol and other drugs

Drug use in adolescence

As expected, alcohol and cannabis are the drugs most consumed by Spanish students (and yes, alcohol is a drug although many adults still do not know it today). Its use is followed by that of hypnotics (with and without a prescription), cocaine, ecstasy, hallucinogens, amphetamines, volatile inhalants and heroin (lastly).

If they tell us that 81.9 percent of the students, and taking into account the age range indicated, have consumed alcohol in the last year, we can think that we are facing a serious problem.

The family must be erected as guarantor of the integral health of minors ... while they are. That is why a few years ago they told us that "talking to children today will prevent a bad drink tomorrow." However, our preventive function has its limitations, so we could use more support.

It seems that the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and hypnosedantes is more widespread among girls, although males consume with more intensity. Regarding the rest of substances, its use extends more among boys ...

The age of onset is early for all drugs (between 13 and 16 years), and more taking into account that above the official data, we can find situations that fall outside the norm. An example? I have one, you surely know more: a mother recently told me in horror how her 12-year-old son (first year of ESO) attended a party with friends before Christmas last to which another mother had contributed gin. Can you be more irresponsible? Those who have children at that age (mine still has two years left) have you looked them in the face? Do you think it is prudent to encourage the consumption of a drink of such high graduation (or none, come on) with 12 years?

Polyconsumption is increasingly common among young people, both in Spain and in Europe. In our country, of every 10 students, 4 are polyconsumers (they consume two or more substances)

The results of the survey, which you can access by following this link, also includes how friends exert their influence on the behavior of minors with drugs. For example Of those who say that all or most of their friends consume alcohol, 89% also consume it, and of those who say that few or none drink it, only consume it 46%.

Video: Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (July 2024).