
As you all know today is February 29, which only happens every four years, when we are in a leap year. That is precisely why it is one of the days when less people would want to be born, especially because they cannot celebrate how God sends their birthday, and that is that in the absence of 29, they have to celebrate it on March 1 (some on 28), when It's not really the day they were born.

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Imagine the little face that children would have left without one day they receive a letter from their favorite characters, signed and with "photo". Elsa and Ana, Mickey Mouse, Lightning MacQueen, Snow White, the Little Mermaid, Winnie the Pooh ... They are all Disney characters and we can write them to make the kids dream come true.

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When it comes to renewing school supplies, an article that cannot be missed is the one to transport the material: books, notebooks, lunch, instruments, towel for Physical Education ... Then, we can ask the question: is a backpack or a cart better? with wheels to take to school? The answer is not simple and we anticipate that it will depend on the weight of the backpack or cart and the child and even the characteristics of the route they have to go to school.

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In this whirlwind of feelings, responsibilities, things to do, races to get everywhere and roller coasters of feelings in which fatherhood consists, sometimes I find myself standing still like a fool watching my children, without more, I simply observe and enjoy to see them playing, sleeping, watching a movie or painting, there they are, they are my children and I could spend the morning watching them.

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Today I saw this video with which I laughed a lot, in which Jimmy Kimmel, the American presenter and comedian (of the Jimmy Kimmel Live! Program), pretends to be a detective by submitting an interrogation of a 7-year-old boy, With a false lie detector. Everything starts quite seriously, with logical questions and that one can wait for in an interrogation, until they start to baffle him with a simple sum: 8 + 8?

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Last week much of the world was paralyzed with the image of little Aylan, returned to the shore by the same sea where he lost his life with his sister and his mother, alone, without protection, a macabre reflection of the reality that they are living many other children like him. But it is not only Aylan or the 13 million children who, like him, are suffering the blows of a war, - enough of putting on makeup calling it conflict, it is a war -, there are many others, there are other photos that are not cover: millions of children throughout the world they are in danger, due to wars, persecutions, famines, droughts or child trafficking.

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A new season arrives, the school year begins and it is time to renew the costumes. Even if they do not go to school, summer gives way to autumn and the feet are no longer uncovered. But will the new shoes last until winter? How to know when the child needs to change shoes? When they are young and start walking they already need shoes (not before!

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We had not seen an image that conveyed so much. He had no intention of doing so, he is not posing or doing it so that no one praises him or acknowledges his effort, but without wanting to, indirectly, he has become an inspiration to thousands of people. He is a child at a handmade wooden table, sitting on his legs, concentrating doing his homework at night, taking advantage of the light of a McDonald's, fighting for his future.

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Seeing the images does not seem to be a great danger, but you can judge for yourself. The girl is an expert climbing and surely I would need more protection than her to get up that small wall. This is a small 19-month-old whose climbing feat has been shared by millions of people on Facebook.

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Every four minutes a child dies prematurely on some road in the world. Other hundreds suffer trauma, many of them serious. With these shocking data, a document prepared by WHO begins to raise awareness about the importance of controlling road safety and legislating to avoid thousands of deaths of children per year.

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