
The happiness of a child is something we all want, but what do they think? Are there differences between countries? Where are the happiest children considered? Researchers at the Swiss Jacobs Foundation have tried to make a "map of happiness" and have spoken with 53,000 children in fifteen countries to find out what they think about their families, rights, school life and hobbies.

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The obligation of the cameras in nurseries is not a new debate. Every time news about child abuse is brought to the media (which fortunately is not frequent, but happens), we all shake our souls. We leave our children with full confidence in a place where they stay for hours and thinking that they could do something bad terrifies us.

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A quiet or reserved child does not have to have interpersonal relationship problems and it is likely that, as he grows up, this aspect of his personality changes (I do not mean that shyness disappears). But shy behavior is contemplated in a continuum, being able to find the child is some extreme or middle point, with all possible gradations.

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It has left me stunned to know a fact about domestic accidents of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, in Spanish Consumer Safety Commission of States States: a child dies every two weeks due to accidents with furniture not secured to the wall, so I wanted to share it with you to take the necessary measures.

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The "Hidden in full light" report by UNICEF is essential to get an idea of ​​the reality of violence against children in the world. It analyzes the different forms of violence, physical and emotional, suffered by children in different countries. And although the figures are difficult to quantify, precisely because it is a generally hidden abuse, here we have ten data from the UNICEF global databases on different national surveys and multiple studies.

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Take a look around you. Do you have daughters and can you see a few pink toys and clothes? What about the children? Do they have many toys or the room in blue tones? The "Pink and blue Project", the Pink and Blue Project, explores cultural preferences and differences in the tastes of children (and their parents) from various societies.

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A day like today, November 20 but 1959, the UN General Assembly approved the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Years later, also on November 20, but from 1989, the final text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child was agreed upon. That is why this date has been chosen to celebrate Universal Children's Day.

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We lead a life in which we hardly find a quarter of an hour to relax and not do anything other than "nothing at all". Just let the day go by and things start coming up by themselves. Sounds good right? Keep reading the reasons why I think we need a relaxing weekend together.

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It is difficult to explain to children the situation that children are going through in our country, and in many cases they themselves are affected. To clarify things better, UNICEF has launched a children's version of the report on child poverty in Spain. The guide, which can be accessed online for free, presents a summary of the things that are happening and that must be solved among all.

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A new UNICEF report opens our eyes to an unfortunate situation. "Hidden in full light" are the millions of cases of violence against children in the world, and we cannot remain impassive. According to this report prepared with data from 190 countries, violence is a constant in the lives of the world's children of the most diverse origins and the most varied circumstances.

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Compared to other mammals, the period that includes childhood in the human species is much longer. But why is that so? Why is childhood in humans so long? We are explained by scientists from Northwestern University, who have just published their research in the scientific journal Proceedings.

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According to data from the National Statistics Institute, 27.5% of children are at risk of poverty in Spain, one in four children. They are the most affected and for them, for their future, we have to react and collaborate in whatever we can to make them a priority. A country with a focus on children is a country that grows, and as the president of Unicef ​​Spanish Committee, Carmelo Angulo states, the country invests "very little" in children.

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I have three daughters and I don't want them to feel less for being girls at any time. Today it seems that this does not happen, but there are still those who slip phrases that suggest that doing things "like a girl" is doing them wrong. Run "like a girl", play football "like a girl", throw a ball "like a girl" and other examples that degrade the role of girls.

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A few days ago Eva told us about some treasure boxes to keep the baby's memories, and when I read it I stopped to think about the memories of my children that I could have saved and I didn't keep. Yes we keep something, and they have their specific place, but when I stopped to think about so many things that ended up in the trash or lost and that perhaps they would have liked to see when they were older, I felt a bit of nostalgia.

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I apologize in advance if you think this post is too eschatological, but it has happened to me on more than one occasion, last time yesterday, and when you see that the scene is repeated one ends up thinking that "it is not possible that this just happen to me. " I mean, as I say in the title, that awkward moment when you go home, you find a brown spot, more or less small, or more or less large, and you wonder if it's chocolate or poop.

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It is news that we have been waiting for some time for those of us who have children, because it is inconceivable that certain people (by calling them in some way) with a history of child abuse can come back to them with impunity as if nothing had happened. The draft reform of the Law on the Protection of Minors submitted to the Council of Ministers contemplates the creation of a public registry of pedophiles in Spain, something that already exists in some countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States.

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