What happens when a 7-year-old child is interrogated with a lie detector (humor)

Today I saw this video with which I laughed a lot, in which Jimmy Kimmel, the American presenter and comedian (of the Jimmy Kimmel Live! Program), pretends to be a detective by submitting an interrogation of a 7-year-old boy, with a false lie detector.

Everything starts quite seriously, with logical questions and that one can wait for in an interrogation, until they start to baffle him with a simple sum: 8 + 8? 16, says the boy. And the alarm goes off saying it's a lie. Fourteen, Detective Jimmy replies. Then they start asking him if he pees in the pool and things like that, transforming into a most funny and incredible moment (you can see the video below).

I confess that at times it has tasted bad to me, poor child, because in reality we all laugh at your expense, but I have not been able to avoid laughing and it is also true that we can extract something positive: the purity of children, their ignorance (in a good way), their simplicity in seeing life and your honesty. It seems that in the end it is not even clear if he lies or tells the truth ... does the machine whistle if I say "no"? Well then it will be "yes."

Video | Youtube
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