Grandparents, how was everything when you were children? 15 things your grandchildren won't understand

There has always been a big difference between the generation of grandparents and that of grandchildren, it is logical because you have to take into account that they are separated by a considerable number of years, that society advances and that the most normal is that if a father it is hard for him to understand his teenage son that a grandfather considers him as a true Martian.

I remember when my grandmother told us what life was like when she was a child. Grandma, what was your world like when you were a child? Because you knew that this world must have been strange, but you never imagined that it was so much, that there was no television or that only some children went to school. But all this is not exclusive to our children and their grandparents, but perhaps one day we will be the grandparents and our childhood will sound Chinese to our grandchildren when asked, grandparents, how was everything when you were children ?.

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I am not sure that many of the things that I list below and that I suppose will no longer exist with my grandchildren, be they an advance or a delay (except Furby, that is clearly an advance. Assuming it no longer exists) I do not believe that anything is good or bad, but that everything has a moment and a place and that probably in a few years, the world that our eyes see does not look anything like this.

Well, we listened to music on cassette tapes that had to be rewound and vinyl that had to be turned around every time you wanted to listen to them again.

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That's why we love BIC pens so much. To carry all the music that your smartphone carries at this time we had to carry half a dozen sumo wrestler-sized suitcases.

For much of my childhood we had two TV channels and there was not only children's programming for a couple of hours.

Of course, most of the programming was for all audiences, or programs like Save Me, or movies with the explicit violence that exists now. Listening to a taco on television was a reason for a gathering in the breakfast cafe the next day. There was no remote control nor were they tactile, moreover, we were the remote control. I know, I don't know how we could survive.

The first time I saw a mcDonalds I was 15 years old and I told my whole family

It was so rare to find such an establishment that I know people who went on a pilgrimage when they found out they had opened one.

The parks were sandy, the metal and wood swings

If you fell, you cleaned yourself, you jumped a little until the pain passed and you kept playing. No one was denounced, nor was it finished at the police station because there was an off-site screw. In something we have improved.

There were no mobiles

If you wanted to talk to someone you had to call him at home or at the office and hope he was at that time. As there was only one phone for the whole family you had to wait for the other to finish talking, something that could be desperate (especially when one of the brothers had a boyfriend or girlfriend) And according to my grandmother we were lucky, because to talk with She had to call the neighbor and she was going to call her. And that of Skype, seeing someone while talking to him, We couldn't even imagine it.

The cars did not carry GPS, if you did not know where you had to go or you carried a map or asked who if you knew.

What madness, right? Now we know where we are at each moment, we can see if the grandfather has gone for bread or is with his friends out there or if we are on the right path to school, something that comes in handy, but I sincerely believe that It is not always good.

We spent hours playing the snake game on mobile.

All cutting-edge technology, of that time.

The weekends were great because your parents rented a movie and we all watched it as a family.

What made you desperate were the weeks that could pass until the movie you wanted to watch was free. Ah, I hadn't told you, there were only a certain number of copies and you couldn't see it whenever you wanted. The trick was to make friends with the owner of the video store and have it reserved for you.

At eight years old I went to school alone and took my little sister to his

Yes, it was other times when people were not so afraid and children had to do many things that now do not even go through your mind. Believe it or not, there were children who returned from school to help their parents in their jobs.

The best gift they could give you was a bicycle

There were also others, such as roller skates and skateboards that approached him, but none of them shadowed the bicycle. We spent the afternoon out there with friends and returned to eat. And we were really pedaling and not with those console games now.

Your grandmother and I wrote each other letters, by hand

Yes, you heard correctly we wrote by hand, on paper and with a pen, which according to age was changing color. Moreover, at a certain age the one with the largest multimine or multicolored pen was the master and it was not surprising to see letters written each paragraph in one color, with several hearts and drawings. Do not put that face, then came the whatsapp and copied the drawings but eliminated the force of a handwritten text.

At school we carried a wallet full of books that weighed a lot.

Yes, it took a few years to realize that carrying so much weight was disastrous for a child's back, so there we all went with our backpacks, I hope you now carry a book, yes, as a reading so that you continue to feel that love for reading and that those rigid science, language and math books have gone down in history like many other things.

The cars were not adapted to us

No, we weren't in special chairs, even many of us didn't even wear a belt.

Thank you because you have got rid of things like Furby and Tamagochis


You do not know the torture they were, the Furby was not silent or underwater and the tamagochis was like having a pet but without the good of the pet.

Many parents believed that hitting children was necessary to educate them

Dear grandchildren, I hope from the heart that this really sounds like Chinese to you and you put eyes on me the day you hear it, because that will mean that we will really have been doing better.

These are some of the things that I think will sound like Chinese to my grandchildren. What do you think will be in your case?