Child restraint systems: buying advice

We know that the safest place for a child under 10 years inside a car is the back seat, and that it needs a child restraint system (SRI) appropriate to its size and weight, so there are different groups adapted for every need These SRIs are elements that in addition to security they must provide comfort and some mobility.

Well chosen, installed and used correctly, child restraint systems are responsible for keeping children sitting in a good position, avoid many deaths from accidents and reduce by 75% serious injuries caused by a collision, so they are a essential element in our vehicles.

What points should we take into account when acquiring a SRI?

  • First, choose the right group. It will be that way when we get the most protection according to the age and weight of the children. A chair that is too large or too small can cause a malfunction.

  • The retention device must be homologated, which is the guarantee that it meets the required safety and reliability standards. The homologation label must appear on the same chair. In the European Union, the use of SRIs is regulated by the European Directive (2003/20 / EC).
  • It is good to consult, before making the purchase, the results obtained by the different retention chairs existing in the market in the safety tests. For example, under the EURO NCAP program, we have the Euroncap website, where reports with the SRI score are published; or the reports of the RACE that he draws each year and of which we speak here.
  • The chair must be in perfect condition, so "offers" with minor damage are not acceptable, as these reduce security.
  • We request the help of the seller, since as professionals they can advise us on the group or characteristics of the chair, orienting us towards the best choice if we inform you in addition to which is the vehicle in which it will be installed.
  • We must know before what it is the anchor system for which our car is prepared, to decide in this way if we want the Isofix system or the traditional one, with a three-point belt.
  • It is worth checking that they have a firm and uncomplicated installation in the vehicle. We must ensure proper installation, since only in this way are these systems effective. The SRIs are accompanied by assembly instructions, and then we will have to check the correct anchorage.
  • In the same way that you have to read all the warnings and installation instructions of the seat, we will have to do the same with the vehicle manual.
  • It must also be checked that the seat is compatible with our car, as some may be too large, for example, for the seatbelt to surround. The shape of the cars, the length of the seat belts and the anchorage points of the belts, are different in some cars and others.
  • In the case of wanting to use the front seat, it should be checked that the seat can be installed in all possible positions in that seat, and also at the ends and intermediate position in the rear seats.

Once we have purchased and correctly placed the SRI, we must take into account certain rules of use, which may involve a guarantee of proper functioning and protection in case of accident and about which we will return shortly. None of the above would be valid if we do not apply good use when traveling by car.

Video: How to properly install a child's car seat (July 2024).