This Christmas Eve, don't forget the most valuable gift of all

One of the most anticipated nights of the year has arrived. The gifts are ready, good wishes are in the air and perhaps that cute outfit that they will wear today is ready and waiting to be worn. Christmas is a date full of joy and joy, in which many families take the opportunity to meet with their neighbors, organizing dinner at home or traveling to spend those days together.

An important point of Christmas is the gifts, we all take care that the people we want receive one. But there is a more special gift, the most valuable of all And I want to talk to you about this beautiful gift today.

Time, an invaluable gift

Sure this you already knew: there is no better gift for our loved ones than the time we spend spending it together. But with him run Run of the daily routine, many times we forget. That is why now that Christmas has arrived, I would like to remind you once again.

Sometimes Christmas dinners or meetings can get a bit chaotic. Among the Christmas Eve preparations, the decoration of the house where everyone will meet and those gifts that we forget or leave for the last minute, It is easy to fall into a race against the clock that makes us forget this gift as important as time is.

So besides reminding you, I want to share some tips for you to take them into account and keep them in mind both on Christmas Eve and on Christmas morning.

How to make family time quality

Quality time. Everyone talks about him, but how many really do? Many times for striving to have quality time and leaving all other activities outside to concentrate, which we end up having a forced or even too short moment.

Perhaps you think that on Christmas Eve having a relaxed quality time may not always be possible because of all that needs to be done, so I come to ask you to give it another approach today. Too You can have quality time while doing and enjoying other activities.

Involve everyone in the preparations

Share a time together on Christmas Eve can start from the preparations, and what better way to include children to help us prepare Christmas dinner. In some cases children will not be able to help us in the kitchen, but we can make them part of the preparations by helping us decorate the table or telling them about everything we will do tonight.

Focus on the important

Sometimes it happens that in family gatherings there are uncomfortable situations or because of the stress of the preparations we have some small discussion with a family member (or maybe that only happens in my family ...). So in this and all family gatherings, remember to focus on what really matters: have a good time together and downplay negative things.

Be a boy again

For many families, this is a night comes of magic and illusion. Personally I have always been a person who is full of emotion at Christmas time, but now that I am a mom, that feeling multiplied and thanks to my daughter i have been a girl again. I invite you to do the same with your children or nephews, you will surely have fun and they will be immensely happy.

Remember to thank

Perhaps with this I will sound like that person who when seeing someone pessimistic tells him that he must see how good he has in life (even if you don't even want to smile), but it is very true. Today, thank all you have, everything around you. You are alive, you are healthy, a family that loves you and probably a delicious dinner at your table. Thank every beautiful detail in your life.

Leave the mobile aside

This is something very obvious but I couldn't not mention it. Use your cell phone to take pictures or answer calls if they talk to you to wish you a merry Christmas. But leave it for everything else and focus on people in the same room as you.

Enjoy the moment

And finally: enjoy Every moment we spend with our family is a very valuable, unique and unrepeatable one. Enjoy the laughs, the songs, the funny moments and also enjoy the chaos.

With my most sincere wishes, Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Photos | Pexels
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