Foster in the child respect for plants and animals

Children cannot resist actions such as clearing a flower, playing with the earth, observing birds, etc. It seems that nature demands their attention, in fact it is so, in nature it is where more game occasions are found.

Parents should take advantage of that natural claim to encourage children to respect and love their surroundingsThese are positive feelings that benefit the child and that will help him to have a responsible base tomorrow. Ecological awareness is acquired over the years, but its basis is precisely in respect for the environment.

We have all heard of climate change, species extinction, pollution, etc. Educating our children by especially providing them with an understanding of the beauty of everything that surrounds them helps our planet and themselves so that tomorrow they can fully enjoy the benefits offered by the Earth. Unlike adults, who generally use only sight, children have a greater sensory approach, that is, they instinctively use touch, taste, hearing, sight and smell to discover the environment. All these senses are willing and you just have to take your steps so that the child acquires ecological awareness.

A child is curious about insects, they observe how they walk on the palm of their hand, notice the tingling that insects produce when walking, observe colors, shapes, etc. Unconsciously the child acquires awareness of life so different that it is in the environment, so it is not advisable to prohibit a child according to what things and more when they present no danger to him. To give an example, if the child has a ladybug on the palm of his hand, telling him "don't touch that" or "a disgusting bug" are not acts that foster precisely respect and love towards nature.

A child precisely needs to play, as it is a way to learn and know the world around him. Whenever you do not present any danger, it is convenient to allow you to discover through touch, we should not worry about the fact that it gets dirty, since that learning capacity is stopped.

During the first years, children must be encouraged and accompanied in their thirst to discover and learn, with the help of simple games, basic knowledge, simple and daily tasks such as transplanting a plant.

Just as we must promote an adequate lifestyle from the beginning, we must also promote ecological awareness, it will be the way to ensure that tomorrow respects our planet and therefore a greater concern to preserve and preserve what we are surround everyone.

We advise reading the book, Children and nature, games and activities to instill in children love and respect for the environment. Leslie Hamilton, the writer, is a lover of nature and wants to show through this book how to see the natural world in the way children see it and teaches parents to contemplate it with the same simplicity and astonishment of the first time. Games, scientific experiments, recipes, handicrafts and other activities, parents can teach their children to respect the environment and enjoy it.

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