How to do perineal massage to reduce the risk of tearing and episiotomy

Yesterday we talked about how perineal massage can help women who practice it by reducing the incidence of perineal trauma (especially episiotomies are reduced) and reducing pain in the area several weeks after delivery.

I have the feeling that it is not a practice that is recommended very often in Spain, so my intention today is to explain how to do perineal massage and thus make it known as a technique that can be done at home with a few minutes a day and that can be beneficial when it comes to giving birth.

What is the purpose of perineal massage?

The goal of perineal massage is to "wake up" the perineum, stretching it, softening it and giving it more elasticity so that at the time of delivery it is more prepared to open. In addition, the massage serves to know a little about the sensations that will happen during childbirth and get acquainted with them, thus helping to relax the area at the height of the birth.

Who does the massage?

The massage can be done by the same person or by the couple, who can feel this way participating in the preparation for childbirth. It all depends on how the two are more comfortable, because there are women who prefer to do it themselves in privacy and men who will "tickle" pressure on the walls of the vagina.

How to prepare for the massage?

Before doing anything it is important to wash your hands well and make sure that the nails are well cut and clean, because the last thing desirable is that an infection occurs.

If you are not used to seeing your perineum it may be interesting to take a look to familiarize yourself with it, what less. For this the ideal is have a mirror that can be left on the ground and with both hands show yourself.

You must be comfortable, because you will be a few minutes in that position. It is recommended to be squatting or semi-sitting with some cushions and the mirror in front and it may be good to rest your back on the wall to provide stability. There are women who prefer to stand and lift one leg resting on a chair. All is find the most comfortable position for each.

It is recommended to lubricate the fingers a little with olive oil or almond oil, although the last trend is to do it with Musk rose oil, which is the most moisturizing and is believed to help make the perineum even more elastic.

Perineal massage

In case the massage is done by yourself, it seems easier to do it with the thumb. If it is the couple, when coming from the front, it would be with the index and middle fingers.

To do the massage you have to put your fingers in the vagina about 4 or 5 cm. Then you have to start putting pressure on the walls, for which you start doing downward perineal pressure (Like doing a little hook pointing the finger towards the rectum, emulating the head that wants to go out). To save time and do it more efficiently you can do well with two thumbs.

The idea is to make constant pressure until a slight burning or stinging sensation is felt, which is the same sensation that is felt when the head is pushing out. At this time it is recommended to try relax as much as possible, feeling the breath, to learn how the peak moment of the expulsive will be and even be able to be relaxed.

Then you have to do the same (constant pressure) to one side of the vagina, again until it bothers a little (or about two minutes) and then to the other side. You also have to do it straight. Let's say that if we look straight at the vagina of a woman lying on her back, we should do ā€œUā€ massage, pressing on the sides one side, another side, and the bottom towards the rectum and also outwards. The upper part, where the urinary meatus is, is better not to touch it, to avoid risks of infection.

These four gestures (to the side, to the other side, to the rectum and outward) can be repeated as many times as desired until reach the recommended 5-10 minutes daily. Some people even say that it can be good to massage the external area with the thumbs still inside, that is, take advantage of all the remaining fingers, which the woman has left touching the perineum, to do a circular massage in the external area. It would be the most relaxing part of the massage and probably the most pleasant and can help you relax (worth the redundancy of the word relax, I don't even know the number of times I've said it already) even more the area and then press again with the thumbs if you want.

How often do you have to do perineal massage?

It is advisable to start about 4 or 5 weeks before the probable date of delivery, that is, towards week 35 (there are those who start earlier) and do the massage daily for about 5 to 10 minutes. Ideally, there should be a record and it is done routinely so that the perineum is catching elasticity (if it is done after the shower, when it has been in contact with hot water for a while, it is more elastic) and so that you get to know your limits, how far you get, when it bothers you and how capable you are to relax at the moment it hurts a little.

The more you know and get used to it, the calmer you are despite the discomfort, more prepared you will be for the moment of delivery because you will be more able to live the trouble normally and accept it as it comes. The more restless you are and the more alive the pain, the more childbirth will focus on it, how bad you are, and the more it will hurt in the end.

It is not that perineal massage is necessary to give birth correctly, but it can help prevent perineal wounds (which is not a little) and can help to go into labor with the most prepared area and with more knowledge of the process, being more aware and sensitive of the changes that occur.

By the way, another way to do perineal massage is to make love. Yes, I know, it is not the same because the perineum is not taken to any limit, but it is also beneficial because the area is "moved", dilated and massaged. If you fancy, to the mess.

Video: How To do Perineal Massage Step by Step Help (July 2024).