A device developed by ophthalmologists at the University of Zaragoza lets you know how babies see

80 percent of the information babies receive from abroad comes through their eyes. Hence the importance of knowing if the child sees well through periodic reviews to opt for the best treatment as soon as possible.

The problem is in the difficulty involved in the precise analysis of the vision of a child under four years old, when they are not yet able to collaborate in the studies. Until now!

To remove this barrier, a group of ophthalmologists, opticians and engineers from the University of Zaragoza, have created a device that, placed in front of the eyes, reveals how babies see without them collaborating in the ophthalmologic review.

How do you study children's vision?

Cartoons, images like videogames, begin to appear on a high resolution touch screen. This new device, equipped with 'eye tracking', follows the look, the route it takes, the exact places where it lands. Depending on where the child looks or does not look or if he does not look away towards deliberate stimuli, it is seen whether or not he has a vision problem.

In summary: it is like a small computer and works based on visual stimuli and algorithms that analyze the child's response to these stimuli.

Early diagnosis is vital. All pathologies associated with low vision problems leave minor sequelae if detected before three or four years of age.

This is explained in the newspaper Heraldo Dr. Victoria Pueyo, ophthalmologist at the Miguel Servet Maternal and Child Hospital of Zaragoza, where this technology is already used.

In addition, he adds that the range of possibilities is very wide:

“If in a girl with brain damage we are able to detect areas of the visual field that she does not see, we will be able to better program her rehabilitation. There is more. Let's turn this case around and think of a poor vision that early warns of possible brain damage. ”

Too may be useful for detecting colorblind children in an early way and thus be able to address the problem that it entails for learning "Important if we consider that preschool education works hard with colors", says Dr. Pueyo.

Its developers point out that this new device is a

"Goodbye to the blades with stripes with which, even today, you try to measure the vision of the little ones, with very imprecise results despite the great experience of the ophthalmologists who do it".

And they anticipate that next year it can be used in other health centers that have already shown interest.

How does children's vision evolve?

Most of the information a baby receives from abroad comes through his eyes. However, vision is the least developed sense in the newborn. It requires a process of adaptation and learning.

And is that the vision of the baby right after birth is very limited: just go in black and white, just perceive the contours of things and do not appreciate in detail the contrasts of light and shadow. Mind you, the distance you focus on best is 20-30 cm from your eyes, just the distance that separates you from mom's chest when she narrows him in her arms to feed him. How well programmed it arrives!

But your vision evolves very fast and in six months you will be able to distinguish all colors, will be able to focus up to 40 centimeters and an already total field of vision, which will facilitate the knowledge of everything around you. You can expand the information in How much does the newborn see?

At 12 months, your baby's eyesight is as clear and crisp as the one she will have as an adult. You can understand the difference between near and far objects and recognize the people you know who are approaching in the distance.

When should you check your eyesight?

Your first birthday is a good time for your first eye exam. The detection and early diagnosis of some visual abnormalities is crucial to prevent future learning disorders. Hence the importance of a complete visual exam.

This is stated by the American Pediatric Association that warns that:

“Although each child's vision develops at their own pace, the general pattern of development is the same. As a baby's vision develops rapidly during the first year of life, your child's doctor should examine the baby's eyes at each control visit. "

And broadly pointing out that even “after the first year, periodic ophthalmological exams performed by the child's doctor are important to identify problems that may arise later in childhood. ”

Based on these considerations, and considering that 80 percent of what the child learns enters through his eyes, These ophthalmological exams are important:

  • One first a year or at least before 3 years (prior to the start of Early Childhood Education).

  • At 3-4 years: Mandatory review especially if parents wear glasses. Refractive and lazy eye defects can be detected by putting an effective treatment.

  • At 6 years (beginning of Primary Education). It consists of a complete evaluation that, in addition to visual acuity, assess whether the child's vision is prepared to successfully face schooling.

  • Every year up to 14 years, depending on whether or not there are refractive defects.

  • Every two years until the age of majority.

But you can make an appointment with the specialist before the year or at any time, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics if your child:

  • It is not able to move one of the two eyes in both directions.

  • Shows reddened, watery or lazy eyes.

  • It does not blink at light changes.

  • Do not follow objects with your eyes, after three months.

  • Continue squinting with six months.

  • Present the droopy eyelids.

  • He has very sensitive eyes to light.

  • Show eyes that move quickly from side to side or from top to bottom.

Just one last warning. Remember that If eye care is crucial throughout life, in childhood it becomes even more important.

Eye exams are the best prevention to ensure that your child the world and life enters through the eyes. Because as pediatrician Lucía Galán says: “No child is too young to be valued and examined by a child ophthalmologist”.

Photos iStock

In Babies and More The GIF that shows us how a baby sees from birth to the year of life, The color of the baby's eyes, How to care for children's eyes in summer

Video: Readings by Cristina García and Dariel Suarez (July 2024).