Excess vitamin A (intoxication or hypervitaminosis A) in infants and young children

Although what usually worries in most cases is the presence of a possible deficit of vitamin A (or any other), sometimes the opposite situation can occur, that a child suffers from a hypervitaminosis, or vitamin poisoning TO.

This seems complicated to see is really not so rare, since Vitamins are the most consumed drugs, especially due to the fact that there are many preparations that can be bought freely and that sometimes there is an excess of zeal or concern in parents anxious about their child's diet, which they take for granted is insufficient even without first consulting with a professional doctor.

In young children, from two to four years, it is common that there is greater difficulty in eating a varied diet, since at this age they can become very selective and eat apparently less. However, in developed countries it is very difficult that there are nutritional deficits, something that is not always assumed, so that the aforementioned vitamin preparations are used without consulting before.

Hypervitaminosis A is an excess of this vitamin within the body of the child, usually due to excess intake, and that can produce a striking picture that in its extreme degrees can be even severe.

Why hypervitaminosis occurs

Hypervitaminosis A is caused by an excess intake of vitamin A. This is a natural substance that is produced in certain plants, in the form of so-called carotenes. It is not synthesized in animals, so its origin is always vegetable, although it can be ingested through cereals, vegetables, meats and dairy products.

It is a fat-soluble vitamin (that is, it dissolves in fat), and this is why this vitamin can easily accumulate in the body in case of excess intake.

Usually Excess intake is conditioned by the use of vitamin supplements, rich in this or even in other vitamins.

Symptoms of a hypervitaminosis A

One of the biggest problem of excess vitamin A in infants and young children is that it can be very difficult to diagnose.

This is not only because it is a rare condition and that the intake of these supplements is not always reported by the parents, but to the fact that the symptoms are as varied as nonspecific, so that it can be very complicated to make a correct diagnosis if the consumption of the preparations is not reported.

Some of the possible symptoms are headaches, dry skin, itching, vomiting, changes in character or even neurological conditions that can become very severe.

Treatment of hypervitaminosis A

It is essential that before the appearance of any symptoms that attract attention always consult the pediatrician, but always telling any history or drug that the child may be taking.

Treatment is usually simple and is that they stop taking the vitamin in a controlled way, although the most serious cases may require specific treatments.

The biggest problem is that when the symptoms are mild or moderate, other pathologies that fit more with them are usually sought, hence the importance of always telling the drugs the child is taking, although these are "simple" vitamins.

Video: Vitamin D in teens: Dont overdo it, bad things might happen (July 2024).