A mother detects a cancer in the eye to her baby thanks to the flash photos of the mobile

A few months ago we talked about a Chinese baby who had serious vision problems, as they said in the news, because of the flash of a mobile. We talked about him to deny the news, not because the baby did not have those problems, but because what happened was that thanks to that photo, which bothered the baby, they went to the hospital, where they diagnosed a retinopathy that the baby already had.

Since then there are many people who share the wrong version, advising never take photos with the flash to babies, because of the risk of leaving them blind. And I say wrong because there are times when it seems worth the flash to escape, as it may be in the case that we explain today, of a mother who detected a cancer in her baby's eye thanks to the flash photos of the mobile.

That strange glow in the eye ...

What happened is that Andrea Temarantz, mother of a three-month-old baby, began to realize that one of her son's eyes Ryder It had a strange glow when he looked at them on his cell phone, as if the pupil were white. Then he looked directly at the baby and his eyes were apparently normal, so it was something the camera caught thanks to the flash.

That stain turned out to be a retinoblastoma, which is a type of cancer that affects the retina of the eye, very difficult to detect, which often ends up being intractable because when it is detected it is already late.

Once diagnosed, the child began to receive the appropriate treatment to control it, and since everything has been very fast (detection and treatment), doctors consider that Ryder, which also has Down syndrome, will not only keep the eye but also has about 99% chance of survival.

Not the first

It is not the first baby to be detected retinoblastoma in the same way, and it is that the baby who heads this entry is not Ryder, but Davis, a baby whose parents saw the eye of different color in August of last year.

In both cases, the flash was decisive, so much so that if the photos had been taken without him, they would not have realized the serious illness, whose early action is key to making the treatment a success.

So, do we always take photos with the baby?

No, it's not that either, basically because it's very annoying, but it is not bad that from time to time one is done with flash, wanting or unintentionally, to see if the back of the eye is the same in both cases or if one of the two has that strange glow that indicates that something may be going wrong.

Video: Detect Eye Cancer Retinoblastoma with Your Smart Phone CHECT UK (July 2024).