Doman method to increase the intelligence potential of babies

One of the dreams that parents have regarding our children is that one day they will become true geniuses in the field of science, literature, music, etc., on many occasions we long for a better life for them and if possible free from the difficulties that we parents go through.

Contributing to enabling these dreams, studies have been presented in which it is indicated that the brain development of children can be encouraged through the stimulation of some senses, specifically that of touch, hearing and sight, that is what the Doman method.

The researcher Glenn Doman explains this possibility, as indicated in an interview conducted by, a baby has an amazing ability to learn, the example we have with the language, in a year a baby already understands hundreds of words and in a Couple of years begins to speak with small phrases, in three years his verbal fluency is impressive. Only this fact shows us how they are already intellectual portents, according to Glenn Doman, a baby enjoys learning more than eating and is capable of learning anything, especially they have an amazing capacity for learning during the first six months, higher than from the rest of his life.

Doman calls this period of time the Genesis of genius, and indicates that the younger a child is, the easier learning is. As in everything, contrary opinions have also appeared that indicate that the investigator's method is not suitable for application in normal children and for those who suffer from a disease such as Down Syndrome.

The Doman method will be presented in Madrid next April to multiply the intelligence of babies by the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, Oficina Hispanoamérica, A.C. This is a course consisting of a series of conferences and demonstrations of the programs created by Glenn Doman and the staff of The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, Philadelphia. To obtain all the information about this course, access the link of The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential.

It would be interesting for all readers that if someone has used Glenn Doman's method with their baby, they share their opinion and the effectiveness they have proven.

Video: How to raise a genius baby: 16 steps to a Smarter Baby, play with a seven 7 month old gifted baby (May 2024).