The increase of immigrant children in Spain forces a greater training of pediatricians

The arrival of immigrant children to Spain requires further training of pediatricians, the reason is the diseases that in our country are eradicated but not in the countries of origin of these children. The influx of immigrants leads to the appearance of diseases that professionals are not used to trying and therefore, complementary training is necessary.

Although it is the Valencian pediatricians who claim a more specific training to treat diseases such as malaria, various parasitosis or filariasis among others, one could almost say that this claim should be extended to all of the Spanish communities, since immigration occurs in All of them. Several diseases can be contained in immigrant children and serious is the possible risk that they can infect other children, we do not mean that all these children are sick, but there is a risk that must be eliminated for the good of the entire children's community. According to pediatricians, only 4% of the pathologies are imported but they should not be neglected, it is necessary to be prepared and more with the forecasts that are given regarding immigration and diseases that may appear in our country as a result of climate change , an article in Geciencia shows us how certain diseases can appear in places that were unthinkable years ago, as a consequence of climate change.

Depending on the country of origin diseases vary, this fact forces health specialists to expand their knowledge in all types of pathologies. Another problem that pediatricians face is the absence of data, non-existent or unreliable vaccination cards that force specialists to consider new measures or specific vaccinations when in doubt.

There are many changes, both for doctors and for children, for example, the food to which foreign children are accustomed is far from what they really need to follow, the change is quite abrupt and it takes time to adapt to the new diet . Immigrant children propose a new action by pediatricians nationwide and this, in our opinion, is necessary and mandatory in the short term.

Video: Immigrant Children & Families in the First Person: The Position of the American Acad. of Pediatrics (July 2024).