Visual problems in pregnancy

Changes in pregnant women can also alter vision, the increase in hormones can cause visual disturbances, just as migraines can increase sensitivity to light.

Prevent Blindness America specialists show some of the visual problems that can occur in pregnancy, it is very important to go to the specialist in case of perceiving any of them, even if it is only to keep a check, since the alterations can go from not supporting the contact lenses, greater dryness of the eye, swollen eyelids that prevent adequate lateral vision, to a vision Blurred or see spots. In any case, it is best to keep track of the specialist and respect their indications.

Women who suffer from glaucoma, hypertension or diabetes should not overlook any perceived alteration, they should also let the doctor know even when they plan to remain in a state to control any possible change in vision.

The changes that indicate that we can suffer pregnant women are the following: Refractive changes. During pregnancy, changes in hormonal levels could affect the formula a woman needs for her contact lenses or glasses. This slight change is generally not a cause for concern. Women should talk to their ophthalmologist about it.

Eye dryness. The problem is usually temporary and disappears after delivery. Lubricating or moisturizing drops are safe during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Migraines. They are caused by hormonal changes and are common among pregnant women. In some cases, migraines can make the eyes feel more sensitive to light. The patient should check with her doctor before taking any migraine medication.

Diabetes. Pregnant women are at greater risk of developing diabetes. Blurred vision can be an indicator of elevated glucose levels. All women who are pregnant or who are planning to be diagnosed with those who have been diagnosed with diabetes should undergo a complete examination with dilated pupils.

Arterial hypertension. Blurred vision and seeing spots could be a sign of hypertension during pregnancy. Very high blood pressure can cause retinal detachment.

Video: Vision Changes During Pregnancy. Dry Eyes and Blurred Vision (July 2024).