Dads and Moms Blogs (LVII)

As every week, we bring you a review of the contents published in the moms and dads blogs that we liked the most. In them we have been able to find reflections, feelings and experiences that fathers and mothers have wanted to share with all of us.

In Building a family, blog that we discovered months ago, Suu, in her last weeks of pregnancy, tells us how she is preparing, brimming with life, for the imminent arrival of her baby. In Ready, Ready ... details all the preparations prior to the birth of your "Embri" (as she calls it). From the bag to the hospital, to leave the house organized, the procedures, go to the hairdresser ... In the final stretch, it seems that future moms are full of energy.

In My life with children We can find an interesting entry entitled "What school do you take your children to?", a question that usually generates long debates in parks and corridors of fathers and mothers. Since in a few days the period of admission to educational centers begins, it is good to reflect on the education we want for our children.

I've walked around My mom is a speech therapist and I have found something that can come in handy to the parents of children who are learning to draw numbers. It is a most original resource for kids to familiarize themselves with the strokes of numbers in a fun way that stimulates their creativity. It is the material of a book called Draw with the figures, by Bernadette Theulet, if you're interested in looking for it.

A blog where I always find something interesting is that of Amalia Arce, Diary of a pediatrician mother. I like his vision of mom and pediatrician at the same time. He speaks to us, more as a pediatrician than as a mother in this case, of the cries in the pediatrician's office, a situation that many will surely have gone through. The position of the pediatrician, the reasons for crying, how to act, the importance of parents accompanying without hindering and other appreciations can be read in the post, which of course I recommend.

In Thirty with son, the author speaks in A less fear of how her son has managed to overcome the fear of disguises, a fairly recurring fear in children. While some people like to dress up, others are afraid to wear a costume, and even see other people in disguise. Childhood fears are often overcome with a good dose of love and understanding. This case is a good example of that.

Mom without complexes He reflects on family and work conciliation, giving us an example that conciliation sometimes exists. It makes us think about the priorities of life we ​​have when we become parents and what we aspire on the professional and family level.

Finally, in Being a mother: an adventure! Silvia asks one of the questions we hear most when we are waiting for a baby: pink or blue? The expectations, desires and illusions that are put into the sex that the baby will have. Is it really important that the child to come be a boy or a girl? I leave it there.

Up to here our Weekly review of moms and dads blogs. Next week, much more.

Video: Roman Numerals 10-30 (July 2024).