Parents who do not recognize their children

We read in the digital edition of La Nación de Chile, which in that country, a year, about 28 thousand children are not recognized by their parents, really a scandalous figure. They also claim that paternity tests increased last year by 150%, from an average of two thousand, to five thousand.

In many cases, the father of the begotten baby is not a couple of the mother, infidelities, promiscuity, etc., end up affecting children who are forced to live without the figure of their father.

It also happens in unstable relationships, among young people with lack of preparation and fear of responsibility. Men who run away because they think the woman has become pregnant to "hunt him", accuse them of thinking only of them, but then who do they think of? Some psychologists claim that the father figure has lost value, Leon Cohen says that many parents take the place of authoritarian elder brother, distant and conservative grandfather or child friend of the son.

These statements also perplex us, “The pregnant woman and her son are the same body and this one is a viscera, a source of deep sensations and changes in the mother's body and mind. The father is a spectator whose role is given by the depth of the bond with the mother and with the couple's project ”. It may be, but not in all cases, it also depends on the involvement that as a parent you want to have.

Again we are faced with a topic that cannot be generalized. Human behavior does not allow us to determine in broad strokes whether there are parents who do not want to recognize their children or who do not leave them.

Video: Can Julie Bowen Identify Her Kids By Feeling Their Faces? (July 2024).