The money we spend on the baby

According to the Union of Consumers of the Valencian Community, Spanish families spend € 7,620.5 on average to be able to meet the needs of the baby during the first year of life. To this expense, it should be added if there was, the payment of a babysitter since it is not contemplated in these statistics.

It is a great expense, therefore, that the Union of Consumers of the Valencian Community has decided to ask the Government to prepare aid programs so that Spanish families can be closer to the bonuses and grants that are given in other European countries to their citizens

If we elaborate a breakdown of money we spend with a baby, the theme would be, according to this body, this way: Baby clothes, € 1,875.5, accessories € 585, accessories and furniture for our baby € 1,471.5, food € 522 and that a part of the year usually the Baby drinks breast milk.

In health and hygiene € 1,797, in accessories for baby safety € 196, in toys € 324, in transport items € 877.5.

Analyzing the data we can see that the strongest load is the furniture and its accessories, the clothes and the health and hygiene of the baby. The truth is that there are very abusive prices around certain items and some are essential, so those prices should be lower.

We hope that what this agency has requested can be carried out for the benefit of Spanish families.

Video: WE SPEND EACH OTHER'S PIGGY BANKS unfair challenge by The Norris Nuts (July 2024).