Do you know where you can breastfeed? A mother explains it in a fun video

His name is Canatella and he has a seven-month-old daughter, Cecilia. The two are habitual protagonists of a videoblog that they share with dad, Bryan, and she has always been surprised when the public breastfeeding debate comes to light, both because that is something to discuss and because there are so many opinions about it .

In order to bring a little humor to the matter and to normalize a little more breastfeeding, they have recently published a fun video explaining where you can breastfeed.

According to the same mother in Today, everything concerning babies attracts the attention of acquaintances and strangers and, especially on the issue of food, many people want to give their advice about it.

As a mother who has received on more than one occasion a comment for breastfeeding in public, she thought it would be useful to use a sense of humor to show the world that when a woman breastfeeds she is not doing anything reprehensible and that you have to be able to feed your baby where it requires it: in the mountains, shopping, in the dark, with friends, etc.

What would I want to achieve? Well, she says she would love to make the video go unnoticed, precisely because everyone seemed so normal to breastfeed anywhere there was no debate. It will probably happen at some point, but there is still a time, and that is the generation that precedes us is that of the bottle, and there are many people who have barely seen a woman breastfeed, and lack of habit can lead, according to who, to rejection.

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