Female names for babies: Old Testament characters (VIII)

We had reached the first kings of Israel in our review of the Old Testament to offer suggestions of female names for babies who carried the ancient heroines of the Bible.

Today we arrive to King David and the women of his life, that were many. David appears to us portrayed in the Bible as a brave and intelligent man, but to whom his passions sometimes lead to committing real sins, terrible acts and actions full of selfishness. Sensitive too, full of love for music and poetry, he was a man full of attractiveness and trying to be fair, although not always.

Among the passions that are undoubtedly taken from him are those of love and the flesh, although many times his loves had more to do with politics than with his heart. His wives and concubines There were many and now we will introduce the best known, telling their stories.

David was born in Bethlehem, his father was Isai, great-grandson of Boaz and Ruth, and great-great-grandson of Rahab and Salmon, a descendant of Judah. Having displeased God King Saul the prophet Samuel looks for an next king and will choose this boy.

David will become the king of Israel and will move the capital to the city that will be known as Jerusalem. But let's focus not on him, but in their wives, which were many, and in their daughter, of very sad destiny.

David's women they are perhaps one of the best portrayed female groups in antiquity. Several contemporaries who live their lives almost always depending on the whims and policies of men and who adapt, as they can, to their designs. The life of the eastern harem, the bad relations between the wives, the confrontations between the children of different women, the ambition and the desire, everything is mixed in this exciting fresco.

They are not happy women, and although some will be able to fulfill their desires and accumulate power, most succumb to loneliness or doze, become objects that are taken and left, with which they are traded and gained support from the tribe to which they belong.

Michal, daughter of Saul

Michal She is the first of their wives, although the marriage would never be consummated. Its name comes from the Hebrew Mikha'el, which means "Who is like God?", Just like Michael. That is, in Spanish it would be Micaela, a beautiful name. Let's meet her a little more.

Michal She was the daughter of King Saul. The Bible tells us that he was in love with David, that he was one of his father's trusted men but that he had already aroused in him hatred and jealousy. When Michal manifests her love, the two men are not shocked that she was so little demure, but both, each separately, decide to take advantage of it to achieve their goals. Saul to set a trap for the suitor to the throne, David to achieve his purposes.

Saul offers her as a wife, which is a very interesting political alliance for David, but asks for the "foreskin of a hundred Philistines." David kills 200 and offers that part of their bodies as double the dowry requested by the king. And Saul must give Mical as his wife.

Michal saves David

However, the adventure is not here. Saul prepares an ambush and Michal he finds out: he plans to send a group of men to kill David at night while he sleeps. She alerts her husband to escape and she tries to fool the killers by placing an idol in bed. When Saul discovers him, he becomes enraged with his daughter, who considers that he has betrayed him. She will tell him that David forced him to let him go threatening her with death. Michal she will be married to another man, considering that David had repudiated her and this new husband seems to have loved her.

David does not remember her again for a long time, until he becomes necessary in his harem as part of the political alliances that would make him unified throughout Israel. She has her husband taken away from her, who continues to cry her desperately until she has to return to fear for her life, and she is taken to Jerusalem where she will be part of the royal harem.

Although it is mentioned that Michal he had no children there is a passage in which five children of her are cited who were subsequently murdered by order of the king, it is not clear and is cause for doubt.

Mical's unfortunate love

A long time later we hear from her again. David, enraged with joy, dances before the Ark and she comments on how inappropriate his behavior seems. David speaks harsh and contemptuous words to him and after that we never hear from her again, but it is not difficult to imagine her leading a lonely life, without the respect of her husband or children who love her. It seems that this adolescent love was never fulfilled.

Possibly Michal He regretted many times that he had trusted his heart and given it to his father's beautiful harpist, but especially that he had not silenced his love. It paid dearly for being so spontaneous. Surely, any woman who has suffered a disappointment in love can identify with Michal.

We will continue on the next topic presenting more heroines in the Bible, continuing with other of King David's wives and their stories, hoping that you enjoy reading and that they also inspire you as female baby names.

In Babies and more | Female names for babies: Old Testament characters (I), (II) and (III), (IV), (V), VI, VII

Video: 20 Baby Names For Girls & Boys That Are Very Unique (July 2024).