Pregnancy calendar: from week 37 to week 40

Week by week and month by month, we have reached the last month of pregnancy of pregnancy calendar. At this point, we are already talking about a full-term pregnancy because from week 37 the baby is ready to be born, although it is convenient to wait for the birth to be triggered spontaneously. Only 5% of babies are born on the estimated date of birth, that is, on the 40th day. The vast majority is born deliberately between week 37 and 40. At any time, when the child decides, you can begin the process that will trigger labor and its birth.

There is nothing left to see your baby's face, but watch out for anxiety. If you have already waited nine months, live the last weeks of your pregnancy with peace of mind in order to face with the best of attitudes the very important moment of giving birth.

As we have been doing throughout the pregnancy, let's see how the baby grows week by week during this last month inside her mother's womb

37th week of pregnancy

In the 37th week of pregnancy (that is, 35 weeks from the moment of conception) the little one measures around 49 centimeters and his weight is around 3 kilos. It should be clarified that at this point the size of a baby with respect to another can have a great variation since each child has its own growth rate, both inside and outside the uterus.

The baby is fully developed, so in these last weeks he will deal mainly with gaining weight, and some do so with real impetus reaching about 350 grams per week.

Surely, the baby is ready to be born placed head down. In the last weeks the mother usually feels a pressure in the bones of the pelvis, produced by the weight of the baby. Vaginal secretions are also more abundant, indicating the proximity of labor.

The lanugo, the thin layer of hair that covers your skin disappears almost completely. Some babies are born with some hair, especially in the back, in the arms and in the legs, but with the passing of the weeks it falls off alone.

Week 38 of pregnancy

In the week 38 The estimated measurements of the baby are 50 centimeters and 3,200 kilos. His little hands can already grab, in fact he already does it with the umbilical cord that has been his toy inside the uterus.

The little one already has his head completely covered with hair. Some are born with an abundant mane while others are born almost without hair. In any case, the color of the hair, as well as that of the eyes, is not yet definitive. The hair with which they are born usually falls over the first months of life, while the iris of their eyes, the part that gives them color, has not yet accumulated the definitive pigment.

Your intestines have begun to produce meconium, the first stool that is normally removed by the baby after birth.

Your body is covered by an abundant yellowish substance called vernix caseosa that will make it easier for you to slip through the birth canal at birth.

It is very likely that the process of dilation of the mother's cervix has already begun, even without regular contractions. This is very common especially in non-primiparous mothers, that is, those who have already had a previous birth.

39th week of pregnancy

In the week 39 The baby measures 51 centimeters and 3,400 kilos. At the weekly review, the doctor will check the position of the baby. If it was placed on the buttocks, the doctor may try to turn the baby through the external cephalic version, a maneuver that is performed to try to change the position of the baby to facilitate vaginal delivery. The truth is that there are few doctors who perform it and in most cases it is assumed that a breech presentation is a safe caesarean section. However, vaginal delivery is also viable.

40th week of pregnancy

In the week 40 The baby measures 52 centimeters from head to toe and weighs about 3,400 kilos. You will notice that his movements have decreased due to the little space he has to move. Either way, keep doing it and if you notice that it doesn't, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Your 280 days have already been completed pregnancy calendar. Your baby is prepared to go out into the world, however some organs such as the brain will continue to develop creating millions of neural connections during the first years of life.

One of the typical concerns of pregnant women, especially in first-time ones, is knowing how to recognize the time of delivery. There are several signs that indicate the closeness of labor such as feeling stronger and more regular contractions, the expulsion of the mucous plug, which is not necessarily a sign of imminent delivery but indicates that the neck has begun to dilate. Also the process of childbirth can begin with the spontaneous rupture of bag, but it does not happen in all cases.

The important thing is that you are attentive to the signals that your body and your baby gives you and that you understand that the birth process is a physiological process for which women are perfectly programmed.

If it hasn't happened before, surely this week comes the long-awaited time to meet your baby. If you have not yet decided to be born, there are still two weeks left before you are born, since until week 42 you are considered a full-term baby. The doctor will perform frequent checkups to monitor the condition of the baby until he decides to be born.

Video: Why the Last Weeks of Pregnancy Count (May 2024).