What would you do if your child was responsible for such a destruction in a store?

The beauty and makeup page Extraordinary Life Makeup Artistry published a few days ago a photograph of the state in which an eye shadow display of a Sephora store in Georgia (United States) was left.

It was immediately thought that the disaster could be caused by a small child, although no adult responsible for the child showed his face for what happened, nor did anyone watch the store when the events occurred. The damages amount to more than 1,000 euros

They accuse a child of what happened

Brittney Nelson is a professional makeup artist and on Saturday November 11 she was shopping at a Sephora store when something caught her attention. He display of the make up for ever brand eye shadows was shattered, the mixed colors and many of the palettes had been shattered or had deep finger grooves.

He immediately saw a mother leave with her son, approximately five years old, and that was when the store managers also noticed what happened. Until then no one had seen anything, so the exact causes of what could happen are unknown.

When Brittney informed the clerks that she had seen a mother and her son leaving the store, everyone immediately believed that the damage had been caused by that child.

Brittney posted the pictures on her Facebook page with the following message:

"$ 1,300 in Sephora's eyeshadows have been lost this afternoon because of a small child. I'm sure he thought it was finger paints and had no idea of ​​the destruction he was doing. Tons of destroyed product and dependents of Sephora angry. Women, please buy makeup without the company of your children. This is no fun for anyone. I myself had to bring Allie to many makeup stores when I was little but always had "hands in my pockets" and I complied with the strict rule of being only 10 minutes. It was very useful, so if you have to take your little ones to buy makeup, I suggest you try "

The photograph immediately went viral, I divide user opinions on two sidesOn the one hand, those who believe that the height of the exhibitor would exonerate a five-year-old child from all guilt and consider such an accusation "shameless" without any evidence. On the other hand, those who think that there are very poorly educated children and parents who are not responsible for their actions.

But what if the child was responsible?

We do not know what could have happened in this story since there are no witnesses or images that capture the exact moment of the destruction, so that any client could be responsible. However, seeing the grooves in the makeup caused by fingers, it doesn't seem far-fetched to think that it could have been the work of a child wanting to play.

But if this was the case, who would be responsible? In my opinion, of course not the child.

The boy did not go to the store alone (remember, also, that the witness states that the child would be about five years old) but that he was accompanying his mother. But where was she while her son played with makeup?

On the other hand, stores have dependents and it is part of their job to serve customers and ensure that everything is in order. Where were those dependents while the child did what he did? Because I think that these damages are not the work of an oversight of seconds, but that the child had to be quite unattended.

And last but not least, we can reflect on the attitude and behavior that the mother had: Is running away without showing your face the most indicated? Obviously not, and by doing so we are not only demonstrating a lack of responsibility and education, but we are giving a bad example to our children, making them believe that the right thing to do when something is done wrong is not to face the facts and not ask for forgiveness.

I think a moment of neglect with our children we can have anyone, and surely we would feel a great shame if something similar happened to us. But in that case, it would be to assume the consequences, ask forgiveness in front of our children, encourage them to do so and reflect together on what happened.

The eternal debate: children yes, children no

In any case, and regardless of whether the child was responsible for what happened or was not, the fact that without evidence or witnesses everyone tends to immediately blame a child.

And it seems that children, by the mere fact of being children, always bother or are to blame for what happens and we all know that this is not the case. Too there are rude adults who do not respect the alien but, curiously in this story, the first defendant has not been an adult.

What is undeniable is that children need an education and committed parents. Who else or who less has seen children play uncontrollably in the aisles of supermarkets, run, disturb or even cause some destruction without parents being around to prevent it.

Our children are people in formation who do not come to the world educated or with the social norms of coexistence learned. Their naturalness and spontaneity makes them behave or say things that may not be to everyone's liking.

That is why parents should be responsible adults and educate our children in respect for others, but society should not always assume that children bother or do not know how to behave. What is your opinion about this whole story?

  • Photos via Extraordinary Life Makeup Artistry

  • Via Insider

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