We're educators, we're born to make a difference (we're educators, we're born to make a difference) says Rita Pierson

Rita Pierson make a complete talk of less than ten minutes in TEDxEducators, a place full of brilliant conferences that should be reviewed from time to time to know what is happening in other countries. In this talk, Rita begins by saying that children don't learn from a teacher they don't like (Kids don't learn from a teacher they don't like), she continues indicating that what teachers have to do to get children's attention is to build relationships with them, explain cases of how to improve and enhance children's self-esteem and use practical examples to enrich their talk.

Rita Pierson She has been a teacher for 40 years and as she explains, she once heard a teacher say that they were not paid to like children, to which she replied: Kids don't learn from people they don't like (children do not learn from those who do not like). And it is essential to get educators to believe in the potential of students, in their self-esteem and establish connections with them. Rita has a huge teaching record that is also complemented by the experience also acquired by her parents and grandparents as teachers.

De Rita highlighted her ability as a communicator, absolutely hypnotizing. And it is that he is able to maintain a talk with a very intense tone, there are times when it seems that you are listening to his experience at a rap pace. She has to be a great teacher with these clear ideas of what education means, the role that teachers play and the abilities, illusions and motivations of students.

They miss a lot more messages like that, that put the student at the center of his goals and that they are encouraged to comment on their successful experiences.