Conception and pregnancy seen through the spectacular photos of Lennart Nilsson

The photographs of the gestation process in the womb have always caused me a lot of curiosity. Of course, since the same moment I knew I was pregnant, the feeling has grown exponentially and when I see images like these, I can't stop imagining the process my baby went through. Although these seem very modern, the truth is that were made by Lennart Nilsson over 40 years ago... amazing, don't you think?

The photographer took 12 years to obtain these images, for which he used conventional cameras with macro lenses, a scanning electron microscope and an endoscope ... technology that until then had never been combined and whose result is really amazing:

The first publication that echoed the photos was LIFE magazine, which kicked off so that it could publish its book called 'A Child is Born', which became a resounding success almost at the time of going to market.

Nilsson became a member of the Swedish Medical Society and is currently still working in medical photography, receiving a long list of awards for his contributions to science.

Photos | Lennart Nilsson

Video: Incredible Real Photography of the journey from a sperm to human baby- Developing in the womb (May 2024).