An 'anti-vaccine' nurse discovered after pretending to immunize hundreds of children

The issue of vaccines is hot due to outbreaks that are happening throughout Europe, some as a result of the decline in vaccine coverage. In Barcelona, ​​for example, they are considering implementing mandatory vaccination to be able to access a place in a public nursery school, a measure that in Italy has already been approved with the intention of controlling a measles outbreak that has affected more than two thousand people (90% of which were not vaccinated).

Precisely in Italy they discovered a few weeks ago a nurse taking their beliefs about it beyond the ethical and moral limits, by "saving" hundreds of babies and children from vaccines that their parents had decided to administer to their children, and that is pretended to vaccinate them, when it wasn't.

There could be about 500 affected

As we read in Medical Writing, it has happened in Treviso, northeast of Italy, where the government suspects that at least 500 children were left unvaccinated in the city. The problem is that they do not know which children may be vaccinated and which children cannot, because some did receive the vaccine, probably because they did not see the opportunity to deceive the parents.

Given this situation, it has been decided to vaccinate more than 7,000 children in order to avoid any problem in this regard. And it is that according to the investigation that is being carried out, the most probable thing is that he pretended to prepare the vaccines, pretend to vaccinate the children, and then you will throw the vials with the vaccine inside.

The children barely cried

Interestingly, what made him suspicious was the lack of crying of babies. The nurse's companions realized that in their consultation the children did not cry when it was time to administer the vaccines, and they communicated it to their superiors.

To carry out the investigation, 25 children were contacted who had gone through the nurse's office, to whom an analysis was made to measure the level of antibodies. Alone two had been well vaccinated.

Given this situation, as we say, the authorities have preferred (re) vaccinate all children who were visited by the fake nurse, before doing all an analysis to see which would need vaccines and which not (especially since if he only vaccinated 2 out of 25 it is clear that he vaccinated very few children).

She denies it

Despite the evidence, the nurse says that she did vaccinate all children and that she does believe that vaccines serve to prevent disease. However, the authorities do not trust their words and have begun to investigate their work in previous health centers.

The professionals cannot decide for the parents

Neither for nor against, much less in this way, because it is a crime. If I was worried about the vaccines I had to administer, it was clear that I was in the wrong job: the nurses we put dozens of vaccines every week. If anything, at the most, I could explain to the parents their arguments, offer their information, for them to decide. And still it would be necessary to see if it could not be committing an illegality, if we consider that the Italian government recommends vaccination for all children.