Quick guide to ensure that restaurants look bad for us to enter with children

We are in summer, vacation time with children, and this makes us do activities outside the home and, of course, eat out also, in bars and restaurants, especially when we meet people who we had not seen for a long time.

The fact is that in some restaurants, if you enter with children, they look at you badly. They look at you badly or before entering you find a sign that says that if your child is feral, tie him up, or that, directly, do not enter if you go with them.

And all this is thanks to the fact that many parents have already read (and put into practice their advice) the Quick guide to ensure that restaurants look bad for us to enter with children. That you haven't read it yet? Well here I leave it:

Don't give him anything, no conversation, while you wait for the food

The food usually takes, so the children, sitting, get impatient. You can talk to him, play something, give him some toy or invent a game if you see that he gets nervous, but with that you would not get anyone's disapproval, so the interesting thing is that focus more on talking to other adults about anything and let your child start to get tired before he even started eating.

If anything, you can give it, if any, the napkin ring. You will love to take out the napkins one by one and see how they fall to the floor, to the table, between their legs, etc.

Put all the children together, little ones included

It's a good trick, to achieve the goal, put all the children together. If they are older and among you, you will not achieve anything, but if you put them together you can strengthen each other. If there are small, it is ideal, because at home you help them to eat or you put the food a little adapted and there they will not cut the meat into pieces. It is enough that they see food that they do not know or that they do not even know how to eat so that they begin to get nervous.

Being together, as I say, it is enough for one to have a "bright" idea so that others want to imitate him: make noise with cutlery, put food, oil, vinegar, salt, napkin, hand and / or fork in the glass doing strange experiments, fill the plate with the sauces that are available on the table, etc.

If you see that they stain or stain, a good trick is go calling the waiter to bring you something to clean them, or even to change the plate and glass for the children. With "pleasure" will take the children's works and bring them clean dishes and glasses.

Eat a lot, talk more

If between the time you start eating and leaving you spend less than an hour, you may not give children time to achieve the desired result. Children get tired quickly of sitting, but you have to give them time so that boredom makes a dent and start inventing games in the restaurant.

The more you eat and the more adults speak more likely to get parents with children to be frowned upon in places where there are people who want to have a minimum of tranquility to eat and talk with the rest.

Let them talk to everyone, to ALL

Those of us who have extraverted children, of those who talk to anyone about anything, feel pride in them, especially if you are a father like me, who has always been shy and rather embarrassing.

Well hey, if you have a child like that, take advantage of it, it's the jewel boy of the manual. Let him show his skills. Let him talk to those next door, to those in front, to those from beyond, to the waiter, to those in the men's room, to those in the women's room and, if he succeeds, with the cook. If you enter the kitchen, it will come out.

In that process there will be people who will enjoy their presence, their words and their communicative capacity and there will be those who will immediately show on their faces that gesture of "yes, handsome, but let us eat, go". You probably won't see it because you'll be for something else, but if you see it, something else butterfly. You have not seen anything. What matters is precisely that the children disturb.

Ask all different desserts, and let them discuss

You have two options, let them choose dessert or choose it yourself. The most logical and normal thing is that they are the ones who ask for it and that everyone eats their own quietly. Sometimes one considers that he prefers what the other has asked for and there the parents usually mediate to avoid the discussion.

But this is not what we want, because it would not generate discomfort globally. Be you who asks for dessert and choose different and flashy things, letting the miracle work. Four seconds after receiving them, they will start arguing for each other's dessert.

It is a good time, since you have never taught them to learn to negotiate. Take advantage that at that time there are more children to begin to discuss, dialogue and reach consensus. That the debate ends up being heated and they reach the hands? It is normal, they are children, surely in ten minutes they are no longer arguing.

In case of tantrum, follow the psychology manuals

This discussion for desserts, or for something else, or because the little ones are sleepy, or becauseā€¦ it doesn't really matter, they can generate tantrums.

The best way to care for a child with a tantrum, and more if you are in a restaurant, is to listen, be available, offer your arms and your presence and try to comfort him. But of course, this would be counterproductive in this guide, so the recommendation is to do what most psychology manuals suggest: ignore him.

Let them play and run, and if it's between the tables, the better

He hiding place It is an amazing game to play in a restaurant, because you can take advantage that other people's tables have tablecloths to get under. He catch-catch It's also great, because there are so many tables and chairs that it becomes a total challenge.

Like when they finish eating they will want to play something and you will still be eating, or speaking, you can directly suggest these games: "Why don't you play something? You could run between the tables, hide behind the tables, under, among the people ... " And if not, say nothing, that they will do it equally.

Ask for ice, bandages and remedies for the logical consequences

In every war there are wounded, so just as the waiters "love" helping your children by bringing them new dishes and cutlery after doing their scientific experiments, "enjoy" as a military nurse. Ask them for ice when a boy hits his head, shivers if any injuries are done and a chamomile for the girl whose stomach hurts because after eating he has gotten a championship sweat.

Before leaving, try to make the table post-earthquake

The last point is important. When you are done make a visual sweep to the table where you have eaten. Does it look like there has been an earthquake? Nice job. It does not seem? Wrong. You call the children and ask them to sit in their chairs for a moment, while you pay, you go to the sink or something (the reason is the least, the important thing is to get them to return to their tables when their hearts are beating almost to the maximum).

At that moment they will be so accelerated that they will act as an earthquake. Was there a drink standing? They will throw it away. It is a great way to get the tablecloth soaked and, with a little luck, the liquid reaches the ground.

Was a piece of bread left without eating? They will split it into pieces with high flying capacity. Flying food and laughing children is a great combination.

The silent farewell

This is an annex to the guide because it is time to leave, the icing on the cake. You pay, don't leave a tip and you go like who was passing by.

It is a good option to take advantage of the exit so that the children play with the door, annoy the people who want to enter or leave and throw, if there is, the sign outside where the menu is written or the ice cream you can buy inside.

It is interesting that insiders see what happened, but in this case we will pick it up and leave as is, but not before shouting at our children for doing such wrongdoing. You know, we don't want them to think we are rude that we don't educate our children.

Video: Things NOT To Do in Rome (July 2024).