Free vaccination

Free Vaccination It is a portal carried out by health professionals; It aims to alert the population about injuries and damage caused by vaccination.

He argues that citizens, especially those who are already mothers and fathers, must exercise their right to informed consent and decide independently if they accept or refuse a vaccination for themselves or their children.

Among its foundations we can read:In principle, require the authorities to create a record of adverse events linked to vaccinations. It is unacceptable that it is intended to vaccinate in a mandatory way, ignoring what the damage can cause, and that there is a total misinformation about the adverse effects and contraindications of vaccines. It is our right to be informed by health and medical authorities, and it is our duty to seek impartial information..”

Many parents do not know that vaccination is a medical procedure that can carry a risk of injury or death. Find out, consult the pediatrician and, if in doubt, you can ask for another qualified opinion. You should know that the laws protect you and that you have every right to accept or reject practices that involve the possibility of risk.

Official site | Free Vaccination More information | League for Freedom of Vaccination

Video: How Risky Are Vaccines? (May 2024).