An informed breastfeeding is a successful breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is not a path of roses. There are women who begin to breastfeed as soon as the baby is born and everything runs on wheels until one day weaning occurs, but in most cases, some stone, however small, appears in the path of breastfeeding

To be able to overcome those stones or potholes that appear on the road it is essential to be well informed. An informed breastfeeding is a successful breastfeeding.

How can good information help us? If you put the baby to the chest and it turns on the first one you are a lucky one, that there are, I have been one of them, although then problems have arisen. A breast congestion that resulted in mastitis in addition to cracks in the nipple very painful but they have not been able to with our lactation.

In my case it has been pure stubbornness, for me there was no other option than breast milk, and quite a bit of laziness, really. It was very practical to breastfeed and we loved it at four (I have 3 daughters). Always available, warm and free. What more could you want?

Women who begin to learn from before delivery about how to act from the beginning of breastfeeding to start on the right foot, about the recommended period of breastfeeding, how to do when they return to work and have resources (websites, blogs, groups of support, breastfeeding associations, etc.) they get a successful breastfeeding.

A few months ago we talked about a study conducted in a neonatal ICU, women who have a goal with breastfeeding breastfeed more than those who breastfeed "only if everything goes well."

So I recommend to those of you who are going to be mothers and to those who have just been inform yourself about breastfeeding, and not only of its benefits that will surely convince you, but also what to do if there is a problem (bad grip, cracks, pain, etc.), how to seek support in the environment (associations, support groups, family) and not Be afraid to ask for help whenever you need it.

Video: Instructional Videos for New Moms - Breastfeeding Your Baby (July 2024).