Births in Japan grow for the first time in six years

2006 ended with upward data regarding births, easing at least a little the Japanese concern.

As they go, it is estimated that in a century the population of that country will decrease by less than half and that it could become extinct in a few centuries if the birth rate does not increase significantly.

At least 2006 has been a hope in that regard with more than one million births, after the alarming data of 2005 that recorded the lowest birth rate in its history.

As it happens in several countries of the world, the Japanese causes are late marriages, the increase of singleness, the low number of marriages and the decrease in the procreation of married couples.

Most of the causes have their origin in the increasingly accentuated individuality that man lives today, where few want to sacrifice their freedom in pursuit of a marriage and a family.

Japan is an extreme example, but to some extent it is what is happening in general in most developed countries, a trend that governments and citizens should reflect on.

In short, it is about a topic as serious as the survival of the species.

Video: Japan's independent kids (July 2024).