They accuse a woman of sexual abuse for breastfeeding her 7-year-old daughter

If you are one of those who have the feeling that each time they understand less the world in which they live and they have not stopped pressing the "STOP" button for a long time because you want to get off this whole circus, let you know that you have here one more who wants to get out of this madness that not only does not seem to improve, but seems to get worse.

Just when we begin to have the feeling that breastfeeding in public is increasingly normalized, just when people begin to understand that breastfeeding a child who already walks and runs is normal and that is even beneficial, we get the news of a woman who will soon be tried, accused of sexual abuse, for breastfeeding her 7-year-old daughter.

It has happened in Switzerland

Both she and her ex-partner are from Zurich, and this is what I miss most, given that in the Nordic countries breastfeeding is usually the norm and also to high ages.

The fact is that both the mother and father have been accused of sexual abuse about a person unable to discern or resist, for being a 7 year old girl.

The father, a 45-year-old mechanic, has been sentenced to pay a fine of 2,700 francs (about $ 2,480) and a 90-day penalty in which to pay 30 francs per day (I think I understood that). His ex-wife, who will soon have to go to court to testify, has been accused of having regularly breastfed the girl between October 2011 and the end of 2014, in what they have defined as "making the girl suck the mother's breast so much in the living room like in the bedroom, "and do it for 20 minutes each time to the point that she, the girl," caressed her mother's chest. " But this is not all, according to the accusation, the girl was not really breastfeeding, because apparently the mother stopped producing milk several years before.

The complaint was made by the ex-husband

If the woman is accused of all this, and these details are known, it will be because someone who knows them has reported it, right? You are right. And this someone is the ex-husband, who apparently He didn't see with good eyes that his 7-year-old daughter still sucked from her mother's chest.

Given this accusation, and considering that in reality the girl was not being fed, it has been considered by the prosecutor in charge of the case, Pascal Gossner, as sexual abuse with a minor who, due to his age, is not able to understand his mother's actions.

In making the complaint it was concluded that the father was aware of the mother's acts and that he did not report them until the separation, allowing such acts without notifying the police. That is why he has been fined the amounts we have mentioned before.

The girl, by order of the prosecutor, has been separated from her mother and now live with father.

But what… ?

I don't know how you will see it, but it seems incredible to me, if not totally out of place. For starters, how do they know that women no longer produce milk? Has anyone asked you to compress your nipple to see if anything comes out? Has the complainant secured it, the girl's father? Why maybe I was feeding the girl after all.

But anyway, and if it did not produce milk, what is the problem? We all know that the act of breastfeeding is not only considered positive or adequate for breast milk, for nutrients, but also for contact, hug, affection, caresses, emotional ties, for the link between mother and daughter and between daughter and mother.

That the girl caressed her chest? Sure, as I was sure since I was a few months old and the ability to put the little hand on his mother's chest. What sucked his chest? Sure, how did he do it? from the first moment he was born. If he never stopped doing it, how can it suddenly be considered a sexual abuse of the mother towards the girl?

I do not say more, but I say ... here I am giving the "STOP". That I get down, really, don't hold me anymore, let me get down!

Video: Survivor of alleged nun sexual abuse: "Stop victimizing the victims" (July 2024).