The L'Alfás del Pí Film Festival vindicates the upbringing with its first “Teta Session”

In its twenty-eighth edition held this year, the L'Alfás del Pí Film Festival has scheduled a “Teta Session” for the first time and to celebrate it and make it known, a dozen mothers have participated in a fun flashmob through the streets of the municipality carrying their children and claiming in this way a respectful and attached upbringing.

A way to unite respectful culture and upbringing, a way to bring mothers and fathers to the rooms that cannot leave their baby with anyone but those who love to go to the rooms to see good cinema.

It is known as "Session Teta" those film sessions in which the little ones are well received, in which it is known and understood that suddenly a baby is hungry, makes noise or just starts to cry.

With a flashmob called "Dancing life together" a dozen mothers from different municipalities near Alfás, toured some of the streets of the town claiming upbringing with arms and attachment.

Javier Pascual, deputy director of the festival pointed out precisely the importance of music to unite people and to claim a different kind of upbringing as in this case.

It is also fair to remember that this municipality of Alicante has been the first in its province to schedule this type of film sessions for moms, dads and of course babies, in their usual cultural programming.

After the celebration of the World Arms Raising Week, Last October, in which the municipality of Alfás d'el Pí also actively participated, the idea of ​​organizing this “tit session” emerged during its well-known film festival that this year has celebrated its twenty-eighth edition, becoming an event expected by the neighbors and recognized by the participants, since it is also one of the short film contests that most economically goes to the prizes of the winners.

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