Amazing video of a baby born inside the amniotic caesarean section

It is a spectacular and very rare event that a baby is born inside the intact amniotic bag, without breaking, as if it were still inside the mother's womb. It is what is called veiled delivery and children who come to the world in this way are known as enmantillados, with cloak, veil or toquilla.

Although it is very strange, the most common is that it happens in vaginal births, but it can also happen in very few opportunities in cesarean deliveries, because when performing the intervention immediately the bag is torn. Here we have an example in a amazing video of a baby born inside the amniotic caesarean bag.

Veiled delivery

That the baby keeps the amniotic sac intact until birth is very rare, because most of the time it breaks spontaneously, before or after, during labor. If not, it is usually artificially broken to accelerate the birth process, although this intervention does not imply a faster delivery and is not justified as a routine procedure.

If the rupture of membranes does not occur early, it may be more common to see veiled deliveries, seeing the baby being born inside the bag and surrounded by amniotic fluid, as it remains inside the uterus and moving without knowing that he was born.

Once born, the bag is broken and air enters the lungs for the first time producing its first breath, although it still continues to receive oxygen through the umbilical cord and placenta, as it did inside the womb, until it is cut or Stop beating

Video: Rare Footage Of A Baby Born Still Inside Amniotic Sac 2016 ! C SECTION (July 2024).