Twelve children beat him up at recess and had to be hospitalized, eight years old

There is news that sticks to our chair without warning, there is news that we cannot understand even if they explain it to us.

An eight-year-old girl has had to be hospitalized after being assaulted at recess by twelve of her classmates it seems that because she had taken their ball.

The teacher told her mother about the incident when she went to look for her after school:"They have hit your daughter, but I see her well."

The teacher would see her well but the girl presented according to the Son Espases hospital in Palma de Mallorca, kidney detachment, rib cracks and bruises on foot and elbow.

The National Police has opened an investigation and the girl's family demands justice since it is not the first time that the child has problems in the center but that she is beaten, during recess time, among twelve of her classmates , older than her and while there was no teacher in the playground during recess, it seems that he has filled his patience.

Violence in school

“Many times they insult her and we have asked the management for explanations, but everything remains the same.”

The girl was discharged the next day, after spending the night in the hospital to see how her injuries were evolving but as one of her sisters recognized a local environment, this is not the first time she has been mistreated at school by his classmates.

This last incident suffered by the minor, has been carried out by twelve companions of the center between the ages of twelve and fourteen. Most of them are fully identified although at the time of the aggression it seems that there was no teacher in the yard.

Minutes before the brutal beating occurred, the teacher who was watching during recess as established by the regulations, had to attend to a student who presented an emergency so he was forced to leave and no other teacher came to relieve him in his position thus leaving the yard unattended during recess.

The loneliness of the patio

The girl told what had happened to her tutor and she was the one who told her mother when he went to look for his daughter at the center after school.

There was no call to the parents according to the information that is recorded, it was when he went to pick up the girl when the guardian of the mother told her mother her personal impression about the aggression she had suffered after what the girl herself had referred to her, because she was not present when it happened.

“Don't be scared, but there has been a brawl in the yard and your daughter has been hit. But I see her well. ”

History repeats itself

We might think that it is an isolated event but statistics are determined to kill our illusion. No, it is not.

Madrid has made public only a few days ago that the cases of violence in schools have increased by 159%, it is a growth as brutal as the violence that more and more children are suffering and not only in this autonomous community.

The students of the centers themselves know what is happening and many of them have indicated that cases of school violence are primed with those that are different from the majority either by their physicality or by their nationality or by their sexual identity or orientation.

Serve two examples of that. For having different tastes Grayson Bruce, a nine-year-old boy from North Carolina, He could not enter his school after suffering constant physical and verbal attacks.

Your sin? That he would like the series of drawings "My little Pony" and had the courage to show him carrying this character in his backpack, a value that the direction of the center in which he studied interpreted as “bullying trigger” and accused Grayson of “disruption in the classroom” or of provoking with his attitude the aggressions, we go that Grayson was looking for him to provoke exercising his freedom of expression.

Only a month earlier, a boy two years older than Grayson tried to commit suicide for the same reason, his taste for those cartoons. He was unsuccessful in his efforts, Michael did not die that day but his life has changed sadly, now he lives with irreversible brain damage because of the lack of oxygen that produced his attempt to take his life.

The story of these two children has been brought to the theater tables, has become a symbol, a tribute that aims to make us reflect from the tranquility and safety of our seats, about the loneliness and fear that sometimes overpass the courtyards school children Will we still think they are "Brawls" or children's stuff? Will we continue to see how in some centers the head is turned so as not to see what happens or the victim itself is blamed?

Video: Why 9-Year-Old Boy With Autism Got Arrested at School (July 2024).