Do you want your child to sleep better? Don't let him use mobile devices before bedtime

Surely you have seen a video with your child before bed, or have let him play on the tablet or the phone in bed. Our children grow in close contact with technologies and the media, a contact that is not limited to waking hours, since mobile devices can be taken to any room, to bed and can be used before bedtime. But the screens are enemies of good children's sleep, so we should limit its use especially at this time.

According to data from the National Sleep Foundation of the United States, half of the school-age children in that country have active electronic devices that emit light in their bedrooms. The use of technologies is increased in adolescents at night, since more than two thirds of boys between 15 and 17 years read or send text messages after initially falling asleep. And this, as you might suppose, does not favor a quality dream.

A new study, published in the latest issue of the journal "JAMA Pediatrics", conducts a review and meta-analysis that reveals that the mere presence of a mobile device in the sleeping environment at bedtime, and especially its use, increases the risk inadequate amount of sleep, poor sleep quality, and excessive daytime sleepiness the next day in children from the age of six Until 19 years old.

The researchers focused on 11 studies involving more than 26,000 children and found that the daily sleep duration of those who use mobile devices in their bedroom at bedtime are more than twice as likely to be less than 10 hours and 9 hours, respectively. , than those who do not use such devices.

It is also not worth letting them use them on weekends or a few days. Because access to devices before bedtime at least three times a week has a similar effect, almost doubling the chances of inadequate sleep among children and adolescents and becoming more than twice the risk of excessive daytime sleepiness.

Why not use mobile devices at night

We have already seen on other occasions that computers, phones, tablets, television, video games ... interfere in the dream of children. Excessive use of these devices damages your eyesight and alters them instead of relaxing them and creating an ideal sleep environment.

Because the brain needs a quiet transition to sleep and not be socially and psychologically stimulated, with visual tension or not wanting to be disconnected. The first symptom of this misuse of the devices is that the child is exhausted the next day and he does not perform well in school, since his capacity for learning and memory are affected.

But in addition the interruption of circadian rhythms can lead to increased appetite, obesity, increased risk of type 2 diabetes, hyperactivity, decreased ability to focus attention, mood instability, lower academic performance, decreased immunity, slower reaction times, anxiety ...

In bed, what will work best to get to sleep in good condition and be fit the next day and in addition to what children enjoy most is that we read stories and do it themselves when they grow up, without powerful stimuli or being on the phone.

Technology has many advantages, and video games give children some experiences that they cannot live through traditional games, but you have to know how to choose the moment. Moderate use and in the company of older screens is perfect.

It seems clear that the effect of access and use of media devices on children's sleep and wakefulness is detrimental. It is proven that Children who use screens before bed do not rest well. By the way, even if children happen in the critical stage of their development, this habit does not suit adults either, so we will have to lead by example ...