It's listening to music and dancing

Two-year-olds are sponges of all stimuli, and music is one of the most positive influences. It's listening to music and dancing, and thus they manage to express their sensations with all parts of their body.

We must take advantage of their interest in music now that they are not ashamed, they not only have fun, it also favors their development in many aspects.

Both music and dance should be part of a playful learning, otherwise you could refuse it, thus depriving yourself of the many benefits it can bring you. This activity helps him to release tensions, if we notice that our son is restless, we can set him moving rhythms, they love them and they will satisfy his need for movement. On the other hand, if bedtime is approaching, it is preferable that the music that is heard be calm, that it relaxes you and even that it is balanced to the sound. This movement reminds them of when we rocked them in their arms and produces a sense of protection that will help them fall asleep.

The advantages of dancing are found in many points, starting with your learning to coordinate your movements, and shows that your body can move it at your own will.

It also helps you to be more sociable, as all children like to dance, join in the activity and integrate more easily.

There are studies that confirm that children who love music are more easily able to learn numbers and the first mathematical concepts. He also trains his memory capacity if he retains the lyrics of the song, which can also provide an increase in his vocabulary.

If the music you listen to is of a style according to what you are doing, a music to play, another to dance ... you will learn to establish routines that will lay the foundations of the discipline. While drawing, for example, music stimulates the right area of ​​the brain, so it can improve your artistic ability.

Anyway, seeing our son who, as soon as he hears music, starts dancing, fills us with joy for the simple fact of perceiving his positive feelings, but if we also add the healthiness that he brings, what better? Let's dance with him.