Gumfi educational dvd, the ball with legs

Gumfi is a character designed to help children aged 0 to 4 in their intellectual growth by mixing fun and education. To learn with Gumfi they have created educational dvd's in which parents, teachers, pedagogues, psychopedagogues and people from the world of design, communication and marketing have collaborated.

At the moment we have two titles, “Heaven”, Where the adventures and the characters show the sun, the moon, the clouds, the stars, the wind, the rain, etc. Accompany activities to learn colors, differentiate day and night, planets, etc. The other available title is "The four Seasons”, With which the little ones will approach nature, and with the characters you can meet letters and numbers, animals, geometric figures and sizes, music, etc.

Soon we will be able to count on the educational dvd of “Los Oficios”, so the children will be able to know how the fish arrives at dinner, or how the doctor heals people, a magician and his mysterious box will show the smallest the most common trades and the importance they have in the development of life.

They are available in Spanish, Catalan and English. Both DVDs have a duration of 25 minutes and the price of each is 18 euros, you can buy them online or in childcare stores, toy stores and department stores.

Video: ESTIMULACIÓN TEMPRANA- Baby Stimulation- التحفيز المبكر. .早期刺激 (July 2024).