My baby: the crawling preliminaries

My daughter, the youngest is from a book. He has done everything at the age that books about babies say will happen.

So, about to turn six months (now!), She has started practicing this cat crawling.

It is true, it usually happens, that although it seems that they will begin to crawl at any moment, they really do not do it until they are not able to sit alone, something that my little girl still does not know quite well.

Anyway, whenever it is able to move on its own on all fours it has already begun to make its first steps.

When she is lying on her stomach playing in her activity blanket, she lifts the upper part of her body supported by both arms, pulls her knees up, pushes with her feet and lifts her bottom.

In spite of making all that great effort, he hardly moves. Well, something does. Sometimes I leave her in her crib and she appears with her head glued to the headboard because she has managed to move.

What it does is a kind of balancing that little by little seems not to move forward. Therefore, I have thought that I have to start taking the necessary safety measures because it is no longer a baby where you leave it.

Things like not leaving it near a ladder, or too much on the edge of the bed or the sofa, besides being very careful with what it takes because it has very fast hands.

Another of the indications that she already manages to dominate her body is that she still does not completely roll on herself, but many times she left her sitting and appears lying on her stomach because she wanted to take something from the ground.

He can also turn to one side and the other, almost always playing with his feet, but he still does not turn around completely.

These are the little great achievements of my baby about to complete her half year of life.

Anyway, if your baby is the same age and is not "book", that is that he has not yet begun to practice the crawling preliminaries, do not worry. Each baby has its own rhythm, when he does so he can master the technique so that he begins to crawl immediately.

Video: Pohnpei dance practice (July 2024).