Survive baby born in Colombia with just five months of gestation

After hearing about the Amilia case, the baby born last October in Miami with just 22 weeks of gestation that has come forward and released, we know about a new miraculous case.

Precisely they called Milagros the girl who was born on February 27 in Barranquilla, Colombia, with the same gestation time, with 31 centimeters and 710 grams that later went down to 580 grams, the weight loss that babies usually have after birth.

Maybe it is soon to ensure the total recovery of the girl, but the truth is that doctors, although they recognize that it is a delicate situation, say that the baby is stable and the most surprising thing is that her lungs respond like those of a Mature baby of 9 months gestation.

The mother, a minor who had not received care during pregnancy, will be discharged, but the child will remain at least two months in an incubator under strict observation.

Pediatrician Martín Balsa of the hospital where he is admitted believes that although according to the mother's last menstrual cycle, the baby was 22 weeks pregnant, his experience tells him that he would have about 27 or 28 weeks, because “with less than 24 weeks there is no chances of survival ”

From here we have to give a little pull of ears because Amilia, born with 22 weeks has shown that it is possible.

By the way, another "little message" for the British bioethics committee that does not believe in miracles and believes that babies who do not exceed 22 weeks gestation should not be taken forward.

Hopefully in a couple of months we can give the news that Milagros has been discharged without sequelae.

Video: Mother Delivers Quadruplets at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns (July 2024).