The Virgen del Camino Hospital shows a renewed image thanks to Paint a Smile

Humanizing children's hospitals is a task advised by several specialists, and little by little we are getting to know the renovation of these centers in our country to offer children a warmer environment and a decoration that transmits joy, life, etc., no longer they are those gloomy places associated with the suffering of the disease. It is necessary to transmit to the children another image more according to the age they present.

This is the case of the children's area of Virgen del Camino Hospital (Pamplona), which has just opened a new decoration in the halls and rooms of this area. Colorful murals elaborated by the NGO Saint a Smile reflect on the walls various scenes where the cheerful characters of several children's stories take part. The coloring is the base on which a small story takes place, reflected in the walls of the 21 rooms of the children's area, the office, a corridor and even the waiting room of the emergency service among other hospital spaces.

A few months ago we showed you another initiative in which Saint a Smile (along with Carrefour) also participated to obtain money with the purpose of decorating the pediatric unit of La Paz Children's Hospital, the work of this organization is incessant and they pursue that all children that are hospitalized have a stay as pleasant as possible. Our most sincere congratulations to Saint a Smile.

Video: Barcelona and Catalunya (July 2024).